The Leaists mocked the radical radical. Real racism is on Pontida


The pacchus is over, the arrocchia not yet. For Salvini, a very good news, the best insurance to achieve its ambitious plan of government "for the next thirty years". Despite electoral defeats, left, he does not abandon the cliché of the elector ignorant, racist and born bifit. Indeed, the more Salvini grows up and the more his constituents (often left-wing electors) provoke the disgust of the progressive sense of smell, more and more intolerant to the vulgar. The disdain struck Pontida on Sunday, full of people, or rather full of "seize …" as recited a very shared tweet from a guy who calls himself "anti-fascist, libertarian, photography enthusiast" ", estimator of Saviano. The line is actually that of the Neapolitan writer, so that "in Pontida was concentrating" racist Italy ", here is his badysis of the consensus of the League. The Calabrian piddina, first bersaniana then renziana (Renzi announced it to Leopolda as a candidate for Pd in ​​Platì) Anna Rita Leonardi, sees "the worst Italy", naughty scum that is reflected in "a racist clown wearing a t-shirt with his face. "Then there is" Justice and Freedom "which, on Micromega, a girotondini organ, expresses" indignation "to Salvini," secretary of a party ". First anti-marginalist, later xenophobic, and finally ultra-nationalist, who finally became sympathetic to the sympathetic European leaders' para-fascist. Serracchiani, tarred at Friuli Venezia Giulia by the Fedriga League, goes further: to his Pontida recalls the Nazi rallies, "may become Nuremberg if the League continues on the ridge of nationalism", warns the former deputy secretary of the Democratic Party . And a few days ago in Pontida, social centers, along with Anpi, Arci and Power to the People, organized a counter-rally, "The Feast of Pride and Migrant Antiracism", sponsored by Mario Balotelli , new testimony of the fight against corruption. On Twitter, the rain of insults against troglodytes who went to hear Salvini reached peaks of sheer hatred, a racism against League activists as subhuman to exterminate. "After the successful series" I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone "a new series is ready for the debut" I Dementi di Pontida "", "Pontida is the receptacle of the worst dredges", "How flies are amusing- they to Pontida? ", And then those who hope for an asteroid that gets everyone out of the league program," we would solve all our problems ". Proponents of ironic homobadual pride about the last three or four leaguers painted in green or with horns, blaming the "chasmash". Even the priests of the parish join the fight against the scum of the Northern League. A priest, Father Federico Pompei, during Mbad in a fraction of Martinsicuro in Abruzzo, dedicated his homily to Salvini, guilty of killing African children at sea. It is precisely the minister who has published the news on his Facebook page: "Mbad against Salvini, and in favor of Roma beggars and illegal immigrants. It seems that some faithful have opposed it, "writes the minister, now responsible for everything.A group of neo-fascists vandalizes a headquarters of Pd? Orfini request a" clear sentence "of Salvini, l & # 39; moral instigator of all malevolence Even the Palio di Siena is boycotted by the left, with invitations that were empty only because the mayor – a few days ago – is in the center-right and the league is strong in Siena. At the mention of the deputy Lucia Borgonzoni who, having said on the radio not to read a book for three years, fits perfectly into the stereotype of the illiterate League. "The left spocchia will win more and more Salvini "notes Andrea Scanzi, journalist of the Faith

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