"The legitimate defense is not the Wild West"


"Italy can not look like a Wild West where a man buys a rifle and shoots from the balcony by injuring a year-old girl, ruining his health and the future", said Sergio Mattarella during the ceremony of Ventaglio al Quirinale. Her words refer to the case of the Roma girl hit by a projectile in the back in Rome on July 18 while she was in her mother's arms. A strong and clear warning to which, however, wanted to answer to clarify the Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. Interviewed on Radio 24, Salvini explained that "no one wants the Wild West in Italy, no one wants free firearms, at most there are 'guns' & # 39; ", in the sense of" men who speak in vain "

And on the radio, in fact, the Minister of the Interior reiterates the fundamental thought of the League on self-defense and on the need to change the law: "We simply have with self defense that we would like to make it less complicated to defend ourselves for those who are in a state of aggression by criminals who unfortunately have weapons.I think Mattarella refers to to others.If Corriere della Sera wants me to fight with Mattarella found the wrong person. "

Salvini then pointed out that it is necessary" to restore the right to self-defense inside the property "." If I find you in my house at 3 o'clock morning – he concludes – with my children who sleep and I do not carry weapons, rifles rifles, machetes … but if I find something handy, even a roll I do not wait for someone in my masked house to explain his intentions … "

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