"The letter goes to the archives"


The wave of severe weather From north to south, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is in Palermo after the tragedy of that night where 12 people died, but Matteo Salvini went to Belluno. The deputy prime minister of the Northern League went to visit the places of civil protection affected by bad weather and storms.

And during the press conference of the rescue coordination center of Belluno Airport, Matteo Salvini he talks about the government's plans in the wake of the bad weather that puts Italy on its knees. With the wave of bad weather that has hit Italy, the "minimal share of fund activation" of European solidarity has been "outmoded", that is why "we will ask for the". activation of the Brussels extraordinary fund ".

Salvini defies the EU

Salvini has no doubts and does not care about the limits imposed by Brussels. "With what is happening in Belluno and Palermo, as far as I'm concerned, letter Europe finds itself in the archives ", attacks the leader of the Northern League, the League then confirms that there will be a" Council of Ministers with the first rapid and concrete interventions "in the areas affected by bad weather.

Salvini explains that he went to Belluno not only to bring solidarity, but to see more closely the pity bad weather and seek a solution in a short period of time. "We are looking for money in drawers and drawers, 250 million euros are ready for all affected communities, from north to south, and we will continue to seek other funds without new legislation. " I heard last night with the Prime Minister and in the coming days, there will be a Council of Ministers with the agenda for the first quick interventions in all areas affected by bad weather, "continues the Minister of the Interior.

The Deputy Prime Minister therefore has no doubt: we must intervene immediately. He does not care about letters and warnings from Brussels. Today, more than ever, there is Italy's revival in Italy. And while the usual enemies attack him for a photo posted on social media, taken before going to visit places bent by bad weather in the Belluno area, Salvini does not give up and continues . "Too many years of careless neglect and environmentalism in the salons – he concludes – so do not touch the tree and do not flirt the creek, then the tree and stream will present l & # 39; addition ".

But now, you need an immediate action plan: "A scoping calculation indicates that putting in security the territory needs 40 billion euros, I pledged to try to find this money, hoping not to receive letters of appeal. The same European Commission which applauded all the maneuvers of recent years, Monti, Letta, Renzi and Gentiloni, who brought Italy back, applauded the maneuvers that hurt "Italy" with "the only maneuver of a government that wants to do the opposite sends letters, letters and letters.In Europe as in Italy, we give at least 5 billion more than those who come back.If, in case of disaster , we ask what it is right to ask, this seems to me the minimum.

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