The little boys stuck in the cave: "Let's get them out as soon as possible"


BANGKOK – The evacuation of the 13 Thais found alive in the Tham Luang cave "must take place before the water rises again": further intense rains are expected from tomorrow [19659002] This was declared in Bangkok – reports the Bangkok Post – Interior Minister Anupong Paochinda, while the 12 boys and their trainer were replenished with nutrient-rich food and restorative drinks.

According to the minister, the rescue teams are trying to drain as much water as possible from some flooded caves, to minimize the need to dive for children who can not even swim and who are from elsewhere debilitated by exhausting waiting without contact with the outside world.

At the base camp of the cave, near the border with Burma in the far north of Thailand, an official decision on the action plan has not yet been announced, but it is virtually certain that the group will not come back to the surface today. [19659002] If you expect the end of the rains it could take months – It could take us more than four months to bring to the surface the group of 12 Thai children living yesterday with their trainer in a cave of Northern Thailand days without contact with the outside. This was announced this morning by the Bangkok Army, while attempts to empty the water from Tham Luang Cave with huge pumps installed by the rescuers have only been a success limit.

According to a spokesperson, boys – all between the ages of 11 and 16 – must be trained to dive during the rainy season, ending in November, and wait for the risk of precipitation to fall

Meanwhile, he will be nurtured and badisted without interruption, even psychologically. Many doctors have already said that they are willing to spend periods with them in the high point where they found refuge from the water that flooded the cave shortly after their entry on June 23.

"Stable Conditions" – The 12 boys are in complex under stable health conditions and no one is in critical condition. Narongsak Osatanakorn, the governor of Chiang Rai Province, who directs the rescue operations, said this morning

An initial medical badessment, said the governor, was conducted on site using a "red, yellow, and green "" Define the conditions of boys, on a scale from "critical" to "serious", to "stable".

"We have discovered that most boys are in the" green "situation, and maybe a little they have injuries that could be considered" yellow, "but no one is in the" situation " red, "Narongsak explained. Foods and liquids have all been provided for gradual recovery.

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