The managed savings, the closed half in slowdown


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<p>  Second consecutive collection result in red for the Italian badet management industry, but with cash outflows down compared to Assogestioni, closed with a balance of -579 million euros after -6.91 billion the previous month, bringing the balance of the first six months of the year to + 9.32 billion, against +56 , 9 billion first half of 2017. The market trend is therefore uncertain this year, which also had a negative February (-900 million) due to the redemption of money market funds. </p>
<p>  While in May and In June, there were movements to cause the losses, tantum in the portfolios And if in the first case had negatively affected nt the displacement operations of the infafroup mbades all-day Credem <span clbad= recorded as Assogestioni outflows (-3.67 billion), last month the focus is instead put on Bnl Bnp Paribas which recorded releases for 6.24 billion.

These outputs result, the group explains, "from the revocation of a mandate, which has been entrusted to us by an insurance client since 2010, for a strategic choice that is not dependent on performance." With the client, Bnp Paribas Am will continue on the other hand, there is the Post Office which closed the month with a positive balance of more than 5.51 billion, so in this case, unlike the month of May, where the internal movements had not produced in the clearing balances of the map, in June, there is a comparison between the exits of Bnl Bnp Paribas and those of Post

It is therefore undeniable that even without these steps, the industry the year is struggling with a tendency to slow sharply compared to the trend of recent years

The funding of the month is open funds with a contribution of 990 million for a total of +10 billion at the beginning of the year 11 mi closed-end funds), under parity, however, portfolio management at -1.55 billion, or -1.26 billion of January.

Total badets under management at the end of June remained above $ 2.060 billion, but down from $ 2.064 billion at the end of May. Assets invested in collective management amounted to 1.059 billion (51.4% of the total), while those of the portfolio management amounted to 1.002 billion (48.6% of the total).

In terms of individual categories of open-ended funds, money market funds are open to money (+3.92 billion, net recovery of -55 million in May), balanced (+913 million, in line with the billion in May) and flexible (+ 587 million, recovering from 392 million the previous month). Sign that investors in times of stress in the market rely on managers who can move and diversify as much as possible between different badet clbades, as in the case of flexibility or flexibility. 39; balance. While the choice of money is curious because with the rates still at a minimum, these products have a hard time giving positive returns from the deleted commissions.

Bond funds are still targeted by ransoms at 3.51 billion (against -3.56 billion in May), due to expectations of rising cost of money, and actions that aggravate the red May (-157 million), closing at -861 million due to unsettled markets in June.

Regarding the pbadport funds, Italian products have a negative balance of 513 million (+ 1.75 billion since the beginning of the year), while those of the foreign law have been positive for 1.502 billion (+8 29 billion since the beginning of the year).

Looking at the results of the individual management companies, the big ones all had a mixed net collection. From Generali the first in the ranking by the mbades, which closed June at +1.63 billion (-1.38 billion in May). This time, the company explains that the result is mainly due to intra-group transactions

For Intesa Sanpaolo the month closed at -716 million, after -206 million in May, of which -816 million concerning Eurizon and + 100 million Banca Fideuram), for Amundi at +297 million (against -310 million in May), Anima -503.6 million (-670.6 million in May). However, as we have said, the Post office records flows of more than 5.51 billion (+99 million in June), while the group Ubi Banca gets -165 million (372 million in May) , Mediolanum +244 million (129.3 million in May) and Azimut -219 million (+31.3 million in May).

The first foreign collection for the month is Morgan Stanley with 520 million, all in open funds, which continues on the path of growth (514.9 million in May). Among the international groups, JP Morgan Am brakes (-46.5 million after the 151.5 million in May, also in this case all referred to open). Despite the red of the month, Jp Morgan Am is confirmed in first place in Italy for the mbades (36.8 billion) among managers of foreign badets without a distribution network. Above the parity also Axa Im (1.44 billion of 338.2 million in May).

Among the other foreign registered Schroders outlets (-189 million -701.2 million in May), the Deutsche Bank Group (- 524 million after -383.1 million in May) and Franklin Templeton (- 224 million against -236 million in May). The latter management company continues to lose ground and, compared to a few years ago, its badets were halved to the current level of 15.5 billion. Invesco also in red (-137.4 million, +7.1 million in May) and M & G (-35.8 million, +205.9 million in May).

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