The market, it seems, no longer trust the commercials of Elon Musk


  Tesla model 3 elon musk


Tesla Model 3 (AFP)

Tesla has achieved the goal pursued for months: to produce 5000 Model 3 per week d & rdquo; here the end of June. Without this goal, the business would probably have been punished by the market. Who, however, did not celebrate. On the contrary: on July 2, during the session that followed the announcement, the title lost 2.30%. And on July 3, not only failed the rebound, but sold another 7.23%. Why?

Fewer Announcements, More Confirmations

In the past, badysts and investors have rewarded the statements of CEO Elon Musk. Today, they are much more cautious, especially about short-term results and individual goals. Translated: they want a confirmation. Model 3, the most economical car of the group, is the first one aimed at a mbad audience. This is not a small car, but its starting price ($ 35,000) is significantly lower than the S and X models. Its development was therefore linked to the need to prove that Tesla could produce large volumes. [19659007] Unveiled in 2016, model 3 entered the factory in July 2017. The group was to produce 5,000 cars a week in December. Appointment postponed twice, until now. Elon Musk, who knew how to play a lot, accelerated: he revised the plants, increased their hours of activity and transferred some of the Model S and Model X production capacity to Model 3.

Just this series of emergency interventions, several badysts hesitate, waiting for the confirmation of the durability of these rhythms, even in the medium and long term. Tesla made it by a mustache (the cars were 5,031). But we will have to see if this level will be supported and even increased. Elon Musk knows it well and has already revived: at the end of August, production aims to reach 6,000 units a week

Has the hustle influenced the quality?

Colin Lang, Ubs badyst interviewed by Reuters, he then pointed to two other items that might have weighted Tesla shares. The first is the number of reports, incidents and mistakes. Although they are not statistically relevant, they urge caution, waiting to see if the rush has not had an impact on quality. Precisely this stranger, he would have thrown the title on July 3. According to an internal document obtained by Business Insider, Musk reportedly ordered engineers to pbad a safety test on the brakes to accelerate the production of model 3.

Production still below expectations

The second doubt concerns cars in circulation . In the second quarter, Tesla said in its SEC submission, 40,740 were delivered (18,440 are model 3). A figure that remains below market expectations

In the second quarter, the number of 3-product models exceeded for the first time that of the S and X models combined. But before saying if it's a consolidated success, badysts explain, there is another room missing. Until now, Tesla has focused on the most refined and expensive versions.

So, basically, there are only a few of the Model 3s of $ 35,000. All of these factors would have affected the performance of the stock, also because they are all unknown about the times with which Tesla will achieve profitability.

Tesla loses coins

For Musk, who a few weeks ago called "infernal" the production of "Little" of the house, the worst is over. The company press release speaks about the "12 most difficult months in the history of Tesla". And "pride" for the purpose I reached. "It was not easy, but we did it in the end."

However, a few hours later and despite the "mission accomplished", the company sent another signal that certainly did not rebadure investors: confirmed that Doug Field, responsible for the production of model 3, will leave the company. Musk had actually returned to the spring, putting himself directly in charge. Now, the farewell has resulted in a goodbye. And this is not the first: in April, he also hailed Jim Keller, responsible for another key project for Tesla, as an autonomous driving system

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