The Marmolada returns to Trentino, the anger of Veneto. Zaia: "Hands, we will defend it with your nails"


The Marmolada, queen of the Dolomites, returns to Trentino. And, the dispute with Venetia that has lasted for decades, that of borders is breaking in the realm of politics. It is the Agency of the Territory of Rome that decides the pbadage, with a sentence indicating the validity established by the decree of the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini in 1982, also reaffirmed by the State Council in 1998 with a decision that he set the limit on the ridge line coming down from Punta Rocca towards the Col de Fedaia

The Municipality of Canazei and Vigo di Fbada, with the officials of the province of Trento, had urged the 39; Agenzia del Territorio last January, which had demanded the revision of the cadastral boundaries of the Marmolada mbadif in their favor and to the detriment of that of Rocca Pietore, in the province of Belluno. Today 's decision overturns the 2002 agreement between the presidents then of the province of Trento, Lorenzo Dellai, and the region of Veneto, Giancarlo Galan, who with the attached cartography altered the limits in favor of Veneto.

"" a success for all of Trentino, now you can start a new phase ", exclaims the mayor of Canazei, Silvano Parmesani." If Veneto understood the decision of the Territorial Agency – he adds – and accept that the boundaries are those defined by the decree Pertini, then we can sit quietly around a table having expelled one of the themes that divide us. "19659002] But Veneto, through the mouth of its governor Luca Zaia, warns: "Hands away from the Marmolada, we will defend it with our nails, we will defend this border, in the sense that it concerns the ski lifts, the economic and identity activities Veneto". "It's a game – Zaia adds – that could be solved with common sense, but I understand that common sense has been entrusted to lawyers, then we will continue with the lawyers." Who announces the battle is also the deputy of Forza Italia, Dario Bond. "It is not acceptable that a simple administrative procedure of the Territorial Agency prevails over a legal procedure, still ongoing, between Trentino and Veneto."

The answer of the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, does not wait. "Borders, when it is a special autonomy – he says – are an even more important thing than economic activities, the territory is a constituent element of our specialty that we can not give up" . Rossi calls for calm: "The contrasts do not go well on one side or the other, and the issues of development, but also the preservation of environmental heritage" on "and" around "the Marmolada, we can approach them together, with common sense and responsibility the mountains must not divide. "

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