The migrants, all on the ground 450 Pozzallo. Among them also 128 miners alone


ROME – Migrants are ashore aboard the ship Monte Sperone della Finanza and the Protector of Frontex, arrested on Saturday at anchor in Pozzallo. The permission to land arrived from the Ministry of the Interior just before midnight yesterday. During the night, 128 unaccompanied minors gave up, three with their parents, 44 women and 272 men. In total, 447 people, including 291 from Eritrea and 92 from Somalia. Other migrants come from Nigeria, Bangladesh, Algeria, Libya, Syria, Egypt. On Friday, the two boats intercepted and saved a boat. Now the men of the prefecture and the police station are at work for the sending of migrants to the 6 "voluntary" countries of the EU (France, Malta, Germany, Spain, Portugal and, last arrival, Ireland which agreed to take 20). Belgium could soon be added

Salvini: making Libya a haven
"Today, for the first time, we can say that they have landed in Europe", commented Palazzo Chigi . "A political victory" for Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, from Moscow, where he went to attend the World Cup final and then met with representatives of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation , returns to reiterate its refusal of NGOs: "I hope that the boats arriving in Italy are less and less there are now two Spanish NGO ships in Libyan waters, the complicity with the contraband is obvious , and in Italy they will not attack ". He adds: "We need to change the legislation and make Libya's ports a refuge.There is this basic hypocrisy in Europe for which you give money to the Libyans, you provide the patrol boats and form the Guard coastal, but you consider Libya as a dangerous port, a bipolarism that must be overcome. " A request immediately disavowed by the EU: "No European operation or European ship landed in Libya because we do not consider Libya as a refuge". Thus, a spokesman for the European Commission

"Italy has long been – says the spokesperson – calls for more cooperation on the bailout and we are happy that this weekend is a solution on both ships, they can not last long. " And again: "We are working on two guidelines – he added – first with third countries and the work done with IOM and UNHCR with international partners". A work that "will take time and I believe that the October European Council will be used to best develop this option."

The donation of two Italian children
Already last night the landing of Women and children Some of them are in critical condition for prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as for those who need medical badistance and for some men, in order to avoid division. families. A 20-year-old Eritrean has pneumonia and has been admitted to the medical service of Modica Hospital. The director of health, Piero Bonomo, says that "the patient is under strict control" and that "his condition clearly improves". In the long afternoon of waiting, just before the landing, in the port of Pozzallo a handful of tourists, unsheathed mobile phones to resume transhipment. Among them is a mother with two children, two twins with short hair dried in the sun, and in shorts, but without a shirt. All three tried to be responsible for the landing procedures and they came forward: the two children wanted to give their t-shirts to African peers.

The Mayor: "Urgent Meeting with Salvini"
The landing – first from Protector, and this morning from Monte Sperone – it began after two hours. Meanwhile the refugees are the doctors of ASP Ragusa, sailors and doctors of Usmaf for the first badistance. After the first visits, they were transferred to the Pozzallo hotspot. "The migrants' mourning trip is over, even the hotspot machine has worked but our organizational capacity has been put to the test," says Roberto Ammatuna, mayor of Pozzallo, who is now asking for "a quick meeting with the minister. Salvini ". And he explains, "It's a matter of discussing every detail for the future, to avoid mistakes that could jeopardize the hard work we've been doing for years." Ammatuna speaks of "a victory for Italy and Europe"

Stop the alleged smugglers
During the unloading, the Ragusa mobile team stopped men accused of being the smugglers of the crossing. They were taken to the police station for interrogation: it is suspected that they could have alternated with the boat guide

Unhcr: "prolonged and unjust suffering"
The landing puts an end to " Prolonged and unjust suffering ": Writes in a tweet Unhcr Italy, the Italian branch of the UN agency for refugees. The tweet indicates the two landing constants that took place over two days: "1. The smile that greets both our team and all the other operators engaged in day and night shifts 2. The bodies thin, emaciated faces Fruit of prolonged and unfair suffering ".

Two constants of this landing lasted two days at #Pozzallo :

1. The smile that greets both our team and all the other operators involved in day and night shifts

2. Thin bodies, emaciated faces. Result of prolonged and unfair suffering.

– UNHCR Italy (@UNHCRItalia) July 16, 2018

"Many cases of scabies, undernourished women, many dehydrated people, not a table idyllic clinic but no more dramatic ". That's what Khosrow Mansour Sohani, the specialist physician from Pozzallo hot spots who visited newly arrived migrants, said. Sohani is a doctor of Egyptian descent, for years in Italy, he is a medical graduate in Catania and is married to a farmer from Vittoria. He worked all night to visit the migrants who came down from the two ships in a hiccup: "There was not a moment of pause but we coped well with the urgency."

The call to the CIS
yesterday a group of operators of the Catholic world (university professors, priests, scout leaders: they are 110 at the time ), has signed an appeal to the IEC against "a culture of rejection increasingly rampant, fear of foreigners, racism, xenophobia, spread even by representatives of institutions". "They are different – write the promoters – to think that it is possible to be Christians and, at the same time, reject or mistreat the immigrants": thus an intervention of the bishops, "in agreement with the Magisterium of the Pope Francis "," could dispel doubts and specify on which side the Christian should be, always and anyway ".

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