The migrants of the ship Diciotti and the institutional clash between Colle and Salvini


was the axis Quirinale-Palazzo Chigi, with a direct phone call from the President of the Republic to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to unblock the landing of the 67 migrants who arrived in Trapani on the ship Diciotti della Guardia Costiera, after the transhipment from the tug Your Thalbada he saved them four days ago. The Eighteen entered yesterday in the port of Trapani around 15 hours. But they remained stationary for hours without letting anyone down . The Minister Salvini's altar weighed (Before granting any permission, I expect to know the names, first names and nationalities of the violent air pirates that will have to get off the boat in handcuffs).

The Coast Guard intervened because the Commander of the Merchant Navy reported a situation of "serious danger" to the crew composed of Italians, threatened by some rescued migrants upon their arrival in the area of ​​a Libyan patrol boat. he would have brought them back to the African coast. From where the request for intervention and transhipment on the ship Diciotti.

The intervention of the head of state

The latest developments of the ship stopped for hours at the port pushed the head of state to intervene personally yesterday afternoon, calling on Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who in the evening announced the start of the landing. In addition, there is also humanitarian involvement: the head of state would have focused on the situation of minors, women and people with health problems, reiterating the opportunity of their landing of the ship.

In the contacts that Mattarella had with Conte emerged all the delicacy of a "case" that does not seem to have precedents. After three days of sailing and with more than sixty people on board, Salvini refusing to "allow" the crew and migrants rescued by an Italian ship to disembark, until the attackers get off the boat handcuffed, the tension rises above the guard levels.

Watch video: Diciotti ship in Trapani, Mattarella's attention

The irritation of Salvini

Dal Viminale, consuming the institutional tear ennessimo, flees the "stupor" for the intervention of Mattarella and "regrets" the choice of the prosecution on the Eighteen because he arrested, but two suspects in a state of freedom for aggravated private violence . Even though Salvini then tried to blunt by stating in favor of the TV cameras that the President of the Republic never intervened in what I did as Minister of the Interior .

Political Tensions

History has led in recent days to the dialectic between Salvini and the minister responsible M5s ports Danilo Toninelli (which authorized the arrival in Trapani of the ship that had "risked" to stay at sea for a long time), with the Deputy Prime Minister M5s Luigi Di Maio who has today defended the work of Mattarella (I think that if the President intervened must respect his decisions) . The opposition sees an interference by the owner of the Ministry of the Interior in the prerogatives of the judiciary called to verify whether there has been aggression of some migrants against the seafarers who had saved them. In the background there is therefore new tensions between the owner of Viminale and the Colle .

Yet, last Monday, Salvini had been received by Mattarella for a meeting he was longing for . A friendly meeting that was likely to jump in the tone and demands of the head of the League, which the head of state wanted an intervention to defend the party against the award of the Supreme Court on funds to to restore . Mattarella kept the point, not talking about the choices of the judiciary, and listened to the minister on the activities of his dicastery and the government, reporting the interview in the respective institutional roles.

The investigation of the prosecution

In the survey conducted by the police at sea, two are reported: he is a Ghanaian and Sudanese citizen who must respond to violence, threats and hijacking. The offenses were committed against the commander and crew of Vos Thalbada after the migrants discovered that the ship was heading to Libya . The crew would be threatened and surrounded by refugees to prevent them from returning to Libya, instead of heading to the northern Mediterranean. But for the prosecutor 's office in Trapani, there was no badault or possession of the ship, as had been badumed at the beginning. Would there have been an overestimate of the real danger? The investigation will also clarify this.

The crew reportedly said that he felt seriously threatened when the migrants discovered that the ship was bringing them back. According to
the commander's story shouted "not Libya, Libya, Italy". And they surrounded the crew, pushing the first officer. This is how the contacts with the operations room of the Port Authority of Rome were sent, which sent instead the Eighteen who carried out the transshipment.

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