The migrants on Vos Thalassa, ordered the arrest of the two suspects: "They favor the smugglers"


They threatened the crew who wanted to bring them back to Libya.

  Migrants on the Thalbada Islands, ordered the arrest of the two suspects:

The prosecutor of Trapani issued a decree arresting the two migrants landed two days ago from the ship Diciotti , Bichara Tijani Ibrahim Mirghani and Ibrahim Amid, until now investigated in general for private violence. The investigations confirmed their role in the attack suffered by the crew of the ship Vos Thalbada who had rescued them but wanted to bring them back to Libya.

Magistrates decided to change the charges by challenging the offenses of resistance, violence and threats

Assisted by the Dutch tug in the Libyan Sea with the other migrants with whom they traveled to Sicily, both , a Sudanese and a Ghanaian, reportedly attacked some crew members fearing to be reported. The incident, denounced by Vos Thalbada, determined the intervention of the Coast Guard who embarked all the refugees rescued by the tugboat. The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, had requested the intervention of the judiciary and the arrest of the perpetrators of the attack.

The Diciotti, with migrants on board for hours, remained in front of the port of Trapani pending the authorization to dock. . The intervention of the head of state has unlocked the situation. The ship arrived in the night harbor and the two accused of the badault were identified and registered in the registry of suspects for private violence. The prosecutor, however, continued the investigations against them even hearing the witnesses of the story. Today turning it with the new accusations and the decision to stop both

The reconstruction of the aggression – The Ghanaians and Sudanese arrested allegedly threatened and attacked the guardian Pantaleo Lucivero, the first officer Cristian Paluccio and the commander of Vos Thalbada Corneliu Dobrescu. Magistrates write that the migrants would try to force Commander Dobrescu to do something contrary to his duties. It is the reconstruction made by the Prosecutor: the tug Vos Thalbada had saved in the region of Sar Libica the two refugees who went to Sicily with 65 others of the Libyan Coast Guard and had indications to head for the coast African to tranship them on a motovodetta. Terrified, the two detainees, as well as other unidentified refugees, were intertwined, jostled and repeatedly threatened with death (miming the act of slicing their throats and throwing them into the sea) the sailor Lucivero . The same fate would have had the first officer

The suspects favored the smugglers – The aggression would have forced the commander of Your Thalbada to reverse the road, to return to the rescue point and to ask urgently to the intervention of the Italian authorities to avoid meeting Libyan patrol boats and prevent – say the prosecutors – a situation of serious danger.The tugboat sailed north (ie to the Italian coasts) to receive the aid of the military vessel 18. For the prosecutor's office, the two Africans would also be facilitators of the smugglers of the boat on which the refugees rescued from the Vos Thalbada were traveling.The detention is motivated by the danger of the two suspects being free to lose track

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