The mystery of Sabrina, killed at home in Pesaro. Questioned a man in the night


There is a woman killed and there is a fugitive killer. These are the only two certainties of this story. Her name was Sabrina Malipiero, she was 52 years old, she was separated from more than ten, mother of two adult children and a historic vendor from an oven just steps from her house, an apartment in a suburb of Pesaro. He had recently left this job for a job, still as a salesman, in a supermarket at a few crossroads. They all knew, in these areas, they said that she had a contagious joy, a kindness of the past and an endless love for her Camilla, 26, and her Stefano, 24 years old. He, the murderer, a stranger escaped with Sabrina's car, a black Matiz Daewoo found in the night just a few miles from the crime scene.

noon yesterday when Stefano, already well known in the Pesarese, decides to go see his mother. She does not live with her and often goes to see her, but this time in thought, she does not answer his calls. He now finds her lifeless, with cuts in her throat and a swollen face. Call 118 but you do not need doctors to know that there is nothing left to do. The police arrive, the prosecutor, the coroner. The boy realizes that his mother's car is missing and the hunt begins, but in the immediate vicinity there are not many cameras, for the police controls to identify a trace of the fugitive (or fugitives ) are lengthening. Who could kill Sabrina? And above all, why? There are signs of a fight, but it seems that nothing is missing at the apartment and the lock is intact.

The first surveys tell the story of a woman's life without excess No one has stormy relationship or obvious reasons that could have arm the hand of her parents , or her ex-husband, Tiziano Bernardi. Theft, femicide, the family trace are apparently virtually excluded. It's a mystery. The mobile team summons friends, family members, last minute acquaintances: whoever can put a piece in the puzzle of this murder. The badumption that the murderer has to be searched for among Sabrina's recent, perhaps very recent, dating is gaining ground: perhaps someone who did not know much but who thought he could have confidence to the point of entering the house. The people heard are sent home: all but one, a non-Italian man who, at one o'clock in the evening, is still at the police station, interrogated in the afternoon. The murder weapon (almost certainly a knife) was not found at home, no neighbors heard unusual noises or requests for help yesterday morning and the night before although he slept the windows open for warmth.

A first examination of the coroner says that Sabrina was killed several hours before the discovery and the last trace of her presence in the apartment dates back to an hour when someone would have noticed the light on without feeling, any noise that made you think of a dangerous situation. Sabrina has always lived for her children. She was a present and prudent mother. There is a beautiful photo that opens her facebook profile: she who smiles and kisses two little children. On the right, Camilla, a law graduate, and on the left Stefano, the DJ who sometimes invited her mother to the premises where she worked. It's a photo that will be at least twenty years old, she looks happy. And it also appears in the most recent images, next to a Camilla now big or near the stereo and Stefano's friends. These two boys were inconsolable yesterday. Their mother yesterday became a memory.

July 14, 2018 (modified July 15, 2018 | 00:30)


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