The "new" League people On the south pratone and the crowd of "ex" from FI, An and others


Up on the hill, far from the crowd that sweats the sacred pratone of Pontida, a lonely boy waved the tricolor flag and delivers to the history of Carroccio the new face of the party that wanted to divide the party. ;Italy. The Pontide government is a riot of green, white and red, like the mix of banners of the almost vintage North League, the white banners with the words "Salvini first" and the vermilion banners with the lion of Venice. "Italy is finally united" exults a militant activist, while Matteo Salvini (with the effigy of himself on the t-shirt) escalates the barricades and shakes hands: "A people that will change the world".

Lombards and Ligurians, Piedmontese and Veneto and also, as numerous as ever Sicilians, Sardis, Campania, Apulia, stuck by the pride of Salvin in a sun more African than Padano. "People who were wary before kissing – he poses in front of the Sicilian stand the chairman of the Budget Committee, Claudio Borghi – From the Union of the North, now the League is the Italian union". And with the selfie with Antonio Li Causi, former lagoon with a past in the Youth Front.

"The racists joined the Italians", is written on the small banner in the first row. What happened to the statue of Alberto da Giussano? And the symbol of the Northern League? The scene is now blue. The pensioner with the beard of nibelunga painted in green does not approve and even dogs show a green foularino, but the look is a rainbow of colors. A mix of regional, gastronomic and political flavors, Chef Salvini, former captain and captain, slipped sneakily on the menu. Bread and sausage and Trapani pesto, Prosecco Veneto and rivers of beer. The recipe, for Giancarlo Giorgetti, is simple: "It's a different people and always the same, normal people looking for answers. If now activists also come from the South it is because they overcame prejudices ". Neapolitans no longer stink? "It was an advertisement and Salvini apologized," acknowledged Svato Ciro, head of the Lega in Gragnano, biting a piece of pecorino "with tears". Ed Enzo Catapano, former mayor of San Giuseppe Vesuviano, recently moved with votes, badessors and luggage: "They are all affectionate and take selfies with us". All different and all the same, when you shout "Italians first". There is the Tuscan craxiano Marco Crocchini, who declines the verb "I ruspo, you ruspi, he leaves". There are the disappointed ones of the renzismo and the orphans of Berlusconi. Dario Savarino, president of Cogei, is tired of the blue and for his baptism in Pontida, he shows his white shirt to Salvini. "Forza Italia no longer convinces us – speaks on behalf of Torino's entrepreneurial friends – I am delighted by this basic and true world, enough with trade shows and intralazzone businessmen".

Repentant blues are camouflaged and stunned, as Riccardo Sandrone a former deputy who no longer votes for Berlusconi "because he's 82, he lost his charisma and was not able to raise a decent heir ". The Sicilian governor Nello Musumeci is full of applause with the phrase "the North without South going anywhere". Giovanni Toti admits that, in order not to be engulfed, "Forza Italia must change profoundly". Meanwhile, Michele Novecco votes CasaPound and does not offend you if you call her Fascist befriends Claudio Giordanengo, doctor and activist of the League since 1991: "People go there where the wind blows, in Piedmont for FI is a September 8 ".

Here is the genetic mutation of the people of the League. The Salvini ogre eating Berlusconi's creature in a bite, leaving a meager 8%. Crumbs, compared to this wave that swells every time, every quote from the Deputy Prime Minister. In his multi-colored pantheon emerge Gianfranco Miglio and Adriano Olivetti, the Walt Disney "if you can dream it you can do it" and the philosopher Simone Weil "homework before rights". Until Rosario Livatino, the "little boy judge" killed by Cosa Nostra: "We are disgusted by the mafia, the camorra and the" Ndrangheta and we will fight them from north to south ". When all is finished, the gentleman with the green horns, old relic of the Lega di Bossi, stays in front of the cameras: "I was the first and I will be the last".


July 1, 2018 (change July 1, 2018 | 22:22)


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