The new spectacular escape of Redoine Faïd


Sunday morning at 11:30, the French thief Redoine Faïd escaped with a helicopter from the prison of Réau, about forty kilometers south of Paris. According to the reenactments, he was helped by three accomplices who hijacked a flight instructor, broke into the prison and took Faïd. Abandoned the helicopter, they then lost their tracks by changing several vehicles. During the escape, no one was injured as far as we know. This is not the first time that Faid has escaped: he had already done so spectacularly in 2013, taking four prison guards hostage and blowing up five doors in Sequedin, near the Belgian frontier

. ] The Parisian and The World the escape began while Faid was talking to his brother Brahim in the prison lounge, where there are no barriers between the prisoners and the people who go to find them. Three men armed with Kalashnikov rifles arrived with a light helicopter in the only prison yard in Rau without an anti-helicopter network (and theoretically inaccessible to the prisoners), located right next to the lounge. The men burst into the room, obscured the sight of security cameras with the help of smoke bombs and cut protective nets with the help of an angle grinder. , then took Faïd to the helicopter. The thief's brother remained in prison, and now the police question him. In all the escape lasted a few minutes.

The helicopter, an Alouette II Aerospace, was later abandoned by Faïd and his accomplices in Gonesse, about twenty kilometers north of Paris, where the police l & rsquo; Found partially burned on the inside. With the plane, the police also found the flight instructor that Faid 's accomplices had taken hostage to complete the escape. He is also interrogated by the police

Still according to the reconstruction of Le Parisien after leaving the Faïd helicopter and the other men, they would have boarded a car and would would be directed to the A1 motorway, which connects Paris to Lille, towards the border with Belgium. A black Renault car was found burned by the police in Aulnay-sous-Bois, a little further south. From there, Faid and his men would take a van. All roads around this area are currently under strict surveillance by law enforcement.

Last April, Faïd was sentenced on appeal to 25 years in prison for a robbery. armed failure of 2010, during which policewoman Aurélie Fouquet died. The first time he escaped, in 2013, he remained a fugitive a month and a half before being arrested at a hotel in the Paris suburbs, at Pontault-Combault.

Faïd is 46 years old and belongs to a family of Algerian origin. . In the 1990s, he made several thefts with a gang of seven other accomplices. In 1997, he was arrested, tried and sentenced to 30 years for various armed robberies, extortion and theft of jewelery. He was released on probation in 2009 and wrote a book on how his childhood in the Paris suburb of 19459004 had led to a criminal life. In the book he explained that he was sorry for his actions and decided to change his life, which obviously did not happen

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