The NGO now declares: "No denunciation to Italy". But the Libyan navy: "Only lies"


The virgoletatto, beaten by news agencies only yesterday, spoke clearly. And he wore the signature of Oscar Camps founder of the Spanish NGO Open Arms: " The Spanish Prosecutor Investigates the Libyan and Italian Coast Guard ".

The humanitarian ship had landed at Mallorca and the organization, at the press conference, had announced its intention to file a complaint with the Spanish prosecutor for what was It had pbaded into the Mediterranean. " I hope that the Spanish national prosecutor will investigate the life of the sea, because it is the result of the Italian policy that closes the ports and criminalizes organizations that go to sea "said Camps. His remarks provoked the reaction of the Viminal and the Italian Coast Guard who, in a note, had withdrawn from the case, claiming that our military ships had never been involved in the rescue of the ship on which Josefa had been found and two dead migrants, a woman and a child.

Today, however, comes the clarification of the NGO. Who claims to have not reported directly to Italy or its Coast Guard. But that "in connection with the events occurred during the rescue operation carried out on July 17, 2018, the director and founder of Proactiva Open Arm Oscar Camps, and many volunteers present at Edge of the Open Weapons during the last mission "signed a complaint against three subjects: first, the" Libyan patrol boat captain 648 "RAS AL-JADAR" MMSI 642124567 , a member of the Libyan Coast Guard and commander of possible other Libyan vessels which intervened at those same hours, for lack of rescue and for causing the death of two persons "; then, the " captain of the merchant" TRIADES ", IMO No. 9350082, flying the Panamanian flag, for the omission of badistance and manslaughter "; finally, " whoever has a direct or indirect responsibility or has been involved in any way for having determined the results of this dramatic event ".

Now, since in a famous Open Arms he claims that "the Spanish judicial authorities evaluate, on the basis of the evidence provided by us, how to respond to the complaint presented", he seems clear that their thoughts are going to Belpaese. We will see how the Iberian prosecutions will take place. In any case, the NGO made us understand that " given what has been reported today on various media outlets, we would like to point out that no complaints whatsoever. was filed against the Italian Government or its Coast Guard ". ] Of course, the accusations made by the NGO to the Libyan navy exasperated the Tripoli Coast Guard. " The accusations launched by the Spanish NGO Proactive Open Arms against the Libyan Coast Guard are lies," he wrote on Facebook. "We categorically deny and reject slander ". All that is reported by the NGO is "just a lie," writes the Navy, pointing out that "it is illogical that a Libyan coast guard patrol rescues 165 migrants, leaving two women and a child adrift ". Hence the request for a "neutral commission to investigate this incident ".

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