The nonexistence of Conte, the "gaseous" prime minister disappeared from all radars


Having conceived as a plan of Providence and Manna of the sky the silences, the grace, the water vapor of the last Prime Minister expressed by the Democratic Party, Count Paolo Gentiloni Silverj, we should welcome with rejoice the happy achievements of this healthy cathartic project. And without cachinni hailing the definitively empty figure of his successor at Palazzo Chigi, that of Conte only has the family name but at least made Joseph, as the most well-known of the carpenters, a symbol of homo. faber. This, however, is not the role badigned to our dear Prime Minister, who by profession is a lawyer (now "the people") and who, from the new political season, represents the most advanced point. Because if Di Maio takes for granted the overcoming of the fences and the ideologies, if Salvini preaches the virtues of the good sense of the housewives of the North (now also of the South), Giuseppe Conte embodies perfectly the unforgettable abstraction that Italo Calvino condensed in Agilulfo Emo Bertrandino of Guildinverni and others of Corbentraz and Sura, knight of Selimpia Citeriore and Fez. "The artificial man who, being one with the products and with the situations, is non-existent because he does not make any friction with anything, has no more relation with what l & rsquo; Surrounds, but only works in an abstract way. " This knight who, at Charlemagne, curious to reveal his face, opposes to the most astonishing reasons: "Because I am not, Sire", explaining the secret of his vitalism: "With will and faith in our saint cause!

Thus our Agilulfo, material surpbading the figure described by the Constitution in Article 95, in the first torpor of the summer, was distinguished for a coffee at the Circolo rowing club Rome with a of his youthful myths, Antonello Venditti, as well as for the press conference to present the decree Dignità retta with the same dignified function. He is also declaimed with a timely conjunction of pluralia maiestatis for what they were inappropriately unsatisfactory. "We have adopted … we have identified … we like to call … we pay constant attention". Fantastic interpretation of a prime minister who took advantage of a question about Trump's reproaches for dropping his sleeve's sleeve: "I take the opportunity to send him a message from D & D. # 39; home. " Just to emphasize that on July 30 there will be, at the White House, the undoubted success of its first international holiday. Proof of existence in life, for someone who always responds with an honest conscience of his role of "not knowing, I have no statement, do not compliment me, I don't I have not done anything yet. Knowing that you do not know, that you can not say, recognize serenely that you have to wait each time the answer that comes from this "reality of the work of our group … you know, if you could participate, you would not find no thesis "The thesis, however, confirmed by Salvini when he declared himself" exaggerated "by the method of government with M5S, emphasizing how" his "executive is not, but" proudly " the Conte government. "The living abstraction that the other day the renziano-pentito senate Tommaso Cerno wanted to deliver to the catalog of easy irony, presenting a question in which he asks Di Maio and Salvini if "Tale is good", considering that "there is not, he does not speak and can not be seen". And he wanted to be prime minister "to put him on the program". Free cattiveria, for a "not being" that will remain in the story.

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