The nostalgic of Franco in Madrid



16.07.2018 – 13:47 0

In a few thousand they celebrate the fascist salvation against the exhumation of the dictator decided by the Socialist Prime Minister, Pedro Samchez

Some Thousands of nostalgic Franchists They demonstrated in the mausoleum of the Valle de los Caidos, north of Madrid, against the project of the government of the Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Samchez to transfer the remains of the dictator Francisco Franco elsewhere, according to the Spanish press.

of the far right Movimiento por Espana, also participated a great-grandson of the 'caudillo', Luis Alfonso di Borbone

The new socialist government announced plans to transfer the remains of Franco in a normal cemetery indicated by the family and transform the mausoleum of the dictator in a center of memory and reconciliation

The spokesman of the government Isabel Celaà confirmed today that the executive studies the formula appropriate legal basis for exhumation. The Congress of Deputies has requested the transfer of the remains of Franco in recent months.

The existence of a mausoleum dedicated to the dictator is considered an anomaly in democratic Europe, the result of the smooth transition between dictatorship and democracy after the death of Franco in 1975. When of the protest demonstration at the Valle de los Caidos, many nostalgic greeted the fascist greeting with a raised hand and sang the Franco anthem Cara al Sol, also shouting "Viva Franco" and "Il Valle do not touch not". According to the Spanish press, the Sanchez government also plans to declare illegal the "Francisco Franco Foundation" still active 40 years after the end of the dictatorship. (Ats)









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