the notice on the website of the Ministry


On the website of the Ministry of Health On November 28, a notice announcing the withdrawal of the market from a nasal spray appeared. It is about Nasal spray "Ialoclean", specifically lot 517Z, produced by Farma-Derma Srl which expires on 2020/06. "Following reports of a non-compliant odor received on the lot of the product indicated – here is the reading of the Farma-Derma company report published in the safety warnings section of the Ministry of Health – checks were carried out, which showed that some parts of lot 517Z they may be out of specification for parameters related to odor, ph, microbiology. The badociated risk is the use of a potentially contaminated product by the user. "Farma-Derma Srl, manufacturer of the medical device Ialoclean nasal spray, has therefore decided to collect all the pieces of the specified lot present on the market. The invitation to the eventual end user of the product is to bring it back to the place of purchase and to request a refund.

What's the point – Nasal spray "Ialoclean" is a product that – reads on the site Farma-Derma – naturally moisturizes the nasal mucosa preventing its dryness and can be used as adjunctive therapy in case of excessive nasal secretions; rhinitis and irritation of environmental pollution; colds, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, nasopharyngitis and allergic rhinitis and postoperative scars.

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