"The only legal act of Berlusconi is born" – Turin Today


"Berlusconi, when he's lying, does it in detail, like when in the election campaign he was talking about 632,000 illegal immigrants to be sent back to their country." But, I say, they're illegal immigrants How do you count them one by one, bringing back the exact figure? And thank God, they said that he was in great shape, completely back in the limelight. " So Marco Travaglio telling the why of the book writing B. as Basta!

"Facts and misdeeds, disasters and lies, shameful laws and crimes (without punishment) of the mistress of the state who wants to buy Italy for the fourth time".

A very particular biographical profile, built when, during the election campaign, everyone welcomed Berlusconi. Then the vote went on, but, Travaglio explains, "I'm always happy to make this book because if the Italians have trusted such a country for 25 years, I hope it will not happen again. more." Renzi lasted less. sooner than we laughed.

As always, the beloved journalist fell heavily, without saving anyone.
"This helps us understand why we are run by a party founded by an actor and by the oldest party in the world"
"Even a person who has never heard of Count has more than consensus that many other politicians.There was in the election campaign this legend of the great return of Berlusconi, for that I made a book, to remind everyone that this person was.Although, 4 million and a half of people voted in. I wanted to tell his whole story, from his birth until the age of 81, for which he offered as a gift a new girlfriend, who could be his back Grandson, I was saying this especially to new generations who know nothing about him, after all, the only legal act he has accomplished is born. "

And about the current government: "Essentially Berluscono gave Salvini permission to make his horns with his worst enemy, the 5-Star Movement, but much better than a possible Salvini-Berlusconi government, which would probably have won. if we had returned to the vote, we would have found Prime Minister Salvini and perhaps Justice Minister Berluscono, since he has now been rehabilitated and he can again occupy posts. "

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