The port office isolates the Sea Watch, so the order bans the Democratic Party relay


The port authority of Syracuse isolates the Sea Watch. With an order issued last night, Commander Luigi Da'Aniello prohibited the navigation, anchoring and stopping of any vessel lying within 800 meters of the two-day humanitarian ship stopped in the Harbor. The de facto provision is intended to block any further visits on board of persons not expressly authorized, as was the case yesterday when the three deputies were able to participate. The command therefore prevents the Pd relay team.

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In fact, Maurizio Martina had already arrived in Syracuse: "I am here to keep my attention and try to help with the many badociations working on this front.The essential thing is to secure this people and 's. avoid playing on their skin another time of this bad campaign that the government has armed for months.What violates the law is the Italian government ". Davide Faraone, Carmelo Miceli, Matteo Orfini, Fausto Raciti, Valeria Sudano and Francesco Verducci should have participated in the relay.

The judges of Syracuse will be asked to evaluate the behavior of the commander but even if, as in the case of Diciotti, the refusal to disembark constitutes a crime of kidnapping. The bullet, in short, is now coming to justice. The feeling is that, without intervention by the judiciary, the Sea Watch impbade, now standing on the tenth day at sea, will barely be released.


Catania, the 19 stop for the Nigerian mafia: "The center of operations Cara di Mineo". Salvini: "to be closed"

Until yesterday, the Syracuse District Attorney, Fabio Scavone, said that his intervention had no limit, the ship's captain had not presented any emergency situation to board nor the situation of minors on board (for which his colleague, Caterina Ajello, Friday, insisted on the immediate landing) is his responsibility. But today, the head of the prosecutor of Syracuse will have to evaluate two other aspects: on the one hand, the information of the Guardia di Finanza which (urged by the government) will report the behavior of the ship accused of having deliberately directed towards Italy in a prohibited meteorological situation repair at the nearest Tunisian port. The Sea Watch explains that Tunisia has never responded to the request of the Dutch government to repair the ship in the port of Zarzis, where maritime surveillance had already been refused. For this reason, the commander decided to aim north. On the other side, the report of the harbor captain (which has not yet reached a conclusion) on the sanitary conditions but also on the safety of the ship – as pointed out yesterday Giorgia Linardi, representative of Sea Watch in Italy – account 69 people on board (47 migrants and 22 crew members) while they could carry only 22.

A situation that would prevent even a resumption of navigation if the commander had to decide to abandon the moorings and aim elsewhere. The law provides that both port authorities must authorize navigation only if the vessel complies with all safety regulations.
The declared objective of the government is to somehow obtain a judicial power to seize the ship and, at this stage, to land the migrants. But then, there would be the problem of their reception that Holland, a country with Sea Watch flying flag, does not want to hear.

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But the Scavone prosecutor will also have to badess whether, as in the case of the 18, the refusal to land to migrants represents (as established by the Court of Ministers of Catania) the repetition of the crime of kidnapping charges of the Minister of Justice. 39; inside. And, in the presence of a crime, he should intervene by seizing the means by which he is committed, then the ship, and ordering the immediate disembarkation of the people.

Salvini meanwhile returns to the issue of migrants. "My intention is to close the Cara di Mineo by this year – the larger the centers, the easier it will be for criminals to infiltrate."

"Saving human lives means blocking departures – the deputy prosecutor continues – Women and children, who for the truth are not part of the Sea Watch, should not be put in the hands of smugglers, who prevents them. March, I will return to Africa, where we are working on development projects so as not to escape these women and these children. " Then he invited the Mayor of Syracuse to deal with the problems of his city: "In those hours, I wrote to many citizens of Syracuse telling me about the city's huge problems that the mayor does not care about. so much diligence. "

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