The preaching sermon of Bonino (denied by the Italian Navy)


There are already those who accelerate the speech of Emma Bonino . The usual goodness, to be honest. The usual refrain of migrants fleeing misery and persecution (theory also contradicted by the official figures on the right to asylum). In these days in Parliament, the motion is being discussed to send 12 new patrol boats to the Tripoli Marina. This movement should allow Libya, as it already is, to control its coasts even more effectively. Prevent immigrants from going to sea and die swallowed by the waves.

Bonino criticizes the "sense of continuity" that this donation to the Libyan Coast Guard "respected past decisions and policies that have come from far, more or less since 2008". Secondio the ex-minister the decree "should be interrupted because we do not cooperate with the government of al-Sarraj that controls virtually nothing Libya is made of two states, three parliaments and hundreds of militias, who really control the territory Continuity means reinforcing the militia, which will share the control of the patrol boats, without being able to save anyone (no rescue at sea with patrol boats of 10 meters), like all other illicit trafficking, of oil to drugs, are divided "

Yet today, at Corriere the Italian Navy confirmed that for some months the immigrants aboard the boats can no longer see them.The reason? Merit – specifically – from Tripoli. "The Libyans, thanks to Italian help, have much more efficient patrollers, their intervention systems are structured, they can keep two or three boats always They are ready in the water and they can block the smugglers with the migrants before they leave the 12 miles of their territorial waters, "said Sebastiano Rossitto, commander of the frigate Virginio Fasan. The twelve patrol boats that Viminal wants to send to Tripoli will serve this purpose.

But Bonino does not want to know. "Do you really want to dry the ocean with a bucket?", Bonino is asked. "The fight against traffickers – he says – can only take place with the opening of controlled entry channels". Bonino rejects the term "buonista" and defines himself as "legalistic". It then repeats as a refrain that Libya is not a safe haven, so immigrants should not be brought back (as the European Commission says, triggering Salvini's anger)

[19659002] There was obviously a reference to the NGOs and to the "buonista" call, including the usual "we need it" because "the six million" legal immigrants produce 8% of INPS and are net contributors to the INPS. "" You know, like me, that there is no peabad you take. , like me, that they are not cruising, you know, like me, that there are no taxis, you know that they escape the misery and the hungry, looking for a chance for a better life ".

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