The proof of the cook, the sister of Anna Moroni is dead


Serious mourning of the famous face of Italian television. Anna Moroni's sister is dead. It has been for many years the symbol of the cooking show "La Prova del Cuoco". With regard to the causes of the death of Anna Moroni's sister, nothing is known: to announce the disappearance of the woman, it was the Fanpage website. It is therefore no coincidence that Elisa Isoardi's greetings to Anna Moroni came to live television during La prova del cuoco.

Elisa Isoardi did not add anything about what happened, she simply stated: "Anna Moroni has been here for many years here in La Prova del Cuoco and unfortunately suffered a bad thing in the family, so we sent a very strong hug ". After the words of Elisa Isoardi, the audience dissolved in a long applause. To applaud even the chefs and all the work team present in studio 2 of RAI headquarters "Fabrizio Frizzi" of Rome. At first, however, the words of Isoardi sounded "strange". But he realized immediately that something bad had happened. Continue reading after the photo

This affectionate greeting from Elisa Isoardi, coming from nowhere, has aroused great interest. Also because Anna Moroni, just left the program after farewell to Antonella Clerici's Cook's Test. It was precisely after Clerici's farewells that Anna Moroni decided in her turn to leave the premises. He had said that he would definitely leave the television. But this was not the case … In fact, Moroni accepted the Mediaset proposal and entered the "Italian Recipes" team. Continue reading after the photo

Recipes all italiana is the program directed by Davide Mengacci, broadcast at exactly the same time as the same time as "La Prova del Cuoco", every day from 11:30 to 13:00, on Rete4. The obvious approach of Mediaset, which is to take advantage of Moroni to create a few problems to Isoardi (which, however, has already several at the level of the public). Some time ago, Moroni felt compelled to justify her choice. Continue reading after the photo

"I have to tell the truth," he said, "when it's over in May, I've talked enough about it with television, because finding myself with Antonella has ended on television as well." Then, in the summer of September, I saw myself at home, cooking and watching TV, and I thought, "No, it's not good." Then I get a call from my daughter: "They are looking for you" ".

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