The protest of London: 100 thousand on the square against Trump


A long, colorful, indignant but peaceful river of protesters – more than 100,000, according to the organizers – invaded central London against Donald Trump, with flags, placards, whistles and slogans. He represents that part of Britain that does not fit, that this American president can not really bear. Up to make fun of him as a giant inflatable doll, hovering in the sky in the general attention and curiosity, in his image and likeness in a whimsical new version.

A symbol of the climate of hostility towards many Trump, manifested since his arrival in the UK last night, went beyond the political dialectic, revealing a real impatience for the man, his manners and his attitudes. Accused by detractors of misogyny, badism, racism, but also ridiculed for certain purposes, the "orange" color of the skin, the phonic tuft, bursting tweet, the grimaces of worldview.


"It is a shame that a person of the same kind was invited to our country. He's trying to haunt our politics, our society, "reproaches Dean Showcase, 35, of London, convinced that this time the ally should be closed (although a SkyNews survey reveals a narrow majority of Britons in favor of letting it express oneself on Kingdom policy, including the Brexit record). "It's a joke, it's not serious, it has arrogant manners and bad ideas." Manifesto against him and against what he stands for, "says Sarah Gaylth, an Irish mother of 42 years.

Simon Cross, a member of the organizing committee, finally declared himself satisfied with the event: "We never doubted that it would be a success." Participation, but especially civilization , just what is missing in Trump, who does not know the meaning of the word democracy ".


Already last night, a few hundred people had loudly protested outside the residence of the l 39; US Ambbadador to Regent's Park, where the Trumps stayed, and the birthplace of Winston Churchill in Oxfordshire, where the gala dinner hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May was held in the honor of the American president. Today, since the early hours of the morning, hundreds of people have gathered in front of Westminster, a symbol of British democracy and a gathering point of the lighthouse event. With the pbadage of the hours, the crowd grew, as well as the impressive security measures, with thousands of agents deployed alongside two parades paraded in the heart of the capital to join Trafalgar Square.


No incidents have been recorded, not even during the most overcrowded march, which is still in progress. is unfolded in the afternoon, promoted by the platform "United against Trump". While in other cities were also organized garrisons and protests against the visit of the president. Which, questioned about the protests, had to admit that he did not feel welcome in London, even though he claimed the support of the majority of Britons. A hard fact to prove, despite the demonstration of solidarity with `The Donald 'that took place in Hammersmith at the same time: a few dozen irreducible, ready to sing in chorus in support of the POTUS less ecumenical.

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