the rates will hurt you –


ROME – US tariffs on European car imports "hinder trade, growth and employment in the United States", with "a negative impact of $ 13-14 billion on US GDP "links with allies." The European Commission writes in a document sent last Friday to the US Department of Commerce. "There is no economic threat to the US auto industry. that is doing well "and" EU imports to the US are stable. "The US accusations, the Commission continues," have no legitimacy, factual basis, and violate the rules. "

Brussels will not stand still if the US imposes tariffs on the auto sector, and the EU and other trading partners may impose countermeasures on "a very large volume of money. US exports, estimated at $ 294 billion » (about 19% of total exports in 2017). The current national security investigation, as in the case of the tariffs for aluminum and steel, adds that the European Commission "lacks legitimacy, factual basis and violates the rules of international trade ".

American "would hurt the current positive trend of the auto industry and components" with a negative impact on US GDP "up to $ 13-14 billion". The Commission recalls that European manufacturers "contribute significantly" to employment in the United States, with 120 000 direct jobs in production and 420 000 in concessions.

Customs Duties
European Commission
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