The Regeni case has not progressed


According to Italian newspapers, the Rome prosecutor has decided to investigate five Egyptian intelligence officials for the murder of Giulio Regeni, a 28-year-old Italian researcher, who was killed in circumstances that have never been seen before. clarified – and with the supposed implication of the regime – in Cairo in January 2016. Prosecutors Sergio Colaiocco and Giuseppe Pignatone took a biased decision, that is to say taken without the participation of the Egyptian authorities. This is because yesterday was held the fifth meeting between Italian prosecutors and Egyptians investigating the Regen case, which for the umpteenth time resulted in no results.

The negative opinion on the meeting – postponed for months – is reported by the newspapers, which got information directly from the Rome prosecutor's office. In particular Republic, the newspaper that has most followed the entire story, describes the attitude of Egyptian prosecutors as a "joke", explaining that their collaboration was insufficient for the investigation to progress. But at the same time, he reports Republic, the prosecutor of Rome is skeptical about the prospects of the investigation: he said the collaboration would continue in the coming months, but according to the newspaper, there is a problem of skills that prevents Italian prosecutors from investigating. investigate management errors.

In fact, among the five officials who should be investigated, some are suspected of misdirecting investigations and contaminated the evidence of the disappearance of Regeni allegedly committed by intelligence agents kidnapped, tortured and killed a spy, because of his research on the independent unions of street vendors in Cairo, what he was doing for his doctoral dissertation.

It was Rome's own prosecutor's office to accuse the Egyptian authorities of wrong direction, denouncing the false reconstructions provided on the murder and the obstacles to investigations by Italian prosecutors. All the main findings concerning the murder of Regeni were made by the central police service of Italy. At yesterday's meeting, Egyptian prosecutors shared the results of the Cairo metro security camera surveillance investigations, which may contain basic information for investigations since at the time of the disappearance Regeni went to the Behoos station to take the subway. But most records – 95%, according to Ansa – was crushed and was not properly consulted by the Egyptian authorities at the time. according to Republic, the document that should have specified what is still present in the records and what was possible to recover, "contains no decisive detail."

One of the suspects, second Republic, is Colonel Osan Helmy, the man who hired union leader Mohammed Abdallah, who registered Regeni and denounced him as a spy intelligence services. Helmy told the Italian authorities that he had never known anything about Regeni before his murder, lying: according to Rome's attorneys, Egyptian intelligence services had been investigating Regeni for several months. Another of the respondents, he writes Republic, is Sharif Magdi Ibrqaim, an officer who managed relations with Abdallah, and another officer who organized Regeni's tracking operations. Last December, the Rome prosecutor asked to question these five people, listing 30 questions he wanted answered: the Egyptian investigators treated them by providing a document containing vague and inconclusive answers.

As explained by journalist Carlo Bonini, the fact that there are five suspects is a mandatory part of our criminal system, but is not a step forward for the investigation, which without pbading to archiving. On the contrary, it demonstrates the opposite, according to Bonini, who believes that the moment when Italy placed itself in a subordinate position in the investigations was the moment when, in August 2017, the Gentiloni government returned the ambbadador of Italy in Cairo. . The need to maintain good diplomatic relations with Egypt, due to its strategic role in Libya, the control of migration flows and the fight against terrorism, has provided a considerable advantage to President Abdel Fattah al Sisi, who Over the last few months, he has met with the Vice Presidents of the Council, Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio, as well as the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico. After the meeting, they all guaranteed imminent progress in the investigation, but they never happened.

In all this, Amal Fathy, Egyptian activist and wife of the Regen family's Egyptian legal adviser, Mohammed Lofty, has been imprisoned since September for sharing a video on the Internet in which she accused the government of not defending women. who are victims of badual harbadment. Many believe her detention is linked to her husband's collaboration in investigating the murder of Regeni.

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