The relationship between public debt and GDP, in the absence of tightening by – Public finances


1 July 2018

Italy Public Finance Journalism Sentence of the Day Debt

The Relationship Between Public Debt and GDP, in the Absence of the closing operated by Monti, would have increased by 201.1% in 2018.

Carlo Cottarelli, Public Accounts Observatory

Viewed from qb

Without the austerity policies introduced in 2012, the debt ratio / GDP would have increased more rapidly and it would now be between 142% and 145% depending on the percentage estimate of the value of the measures applied (2.4% of GDP or 3.1% as reported in Def 2013). Cottarelli has two tips for the Conte government: "The first to make these reforms that really serve to develop the Italian economy, I'm talking about the decisive reduction of bureaucracy, to make civil justice faster and to fight against corruption". The second tip "do not tell yourself that the Italian economy will grow, making more debt.


by Carlo Cottarelli

July 1, 2018

  Italian la-stretto-fiscal-del-2012

The source represents the reference from which "qb" selected the elements considered most relevant.

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