"The Resettlement Act is not retroactive and therefore does not apply to these gentlemen" [ValdarnoPost.it]


by Monica Campani

The Minister of Economic Development comments on the meeting with the management of the Belgian multinational

After the meeting on the occasion of the setting for the Bekaert affair, the Minister of Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio, explains the fund delocalizzazioni "I do not look very sincerely" and explains why, "it works like this: a company comes to the Ministry of Economic Development, threatens to move and I give him the money of the Italians not to leave far? I think that should work in reverse: you come to Italy, take the money, but if you want to leave, I return them with interest and a financial penalty. "

The minister reiterated that for Bekaert all instruments were m is available "but they did not want to know anything, because it's not a problem from the budget point of view, but it's an international financial operation that, as usual, lacks respect for this country. I have made a law on relocation, the problem is that it is not retroactive and therefore not valid for these gentlemen here, otherwise we were already working with the new instruments, "he concluded

The Mayor of Figline Incisa, Giulia Mugnai, and Enrico Rossi, President of the Tuscan region, appreciated the commitment that the Minister took at the meeting to the Ministry for the case Bekaert and the one he promised in the future.

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