The school, the performance of Italian students? It does not depend on social class


The academic performance of Italian students does not depend on social clbad . This is stated by a study conducted by the Polytechnic University from 1945 to 003 and the University of 1945 at Lancaster : the mathematical results of the PISA 2015 test of boys from 15 years from nine different countries were compared. which France Gran Brittany Spain United States and Italy . To carry out the research, innovative statistical techniques and techniques of machine learning were used, with a model 'flexible enough to be applied to the school systems of the world with different structures and extrapolate which aspects of the student life and scholastic realities that influence, respectively, student performance and school performance, "a statement Politecnico reads

The result confirms that the socio-economic index of students this n & # 39; 39, is not among the most important variables in the influence of academic success, but what makes the difference is the personal motivation and parental instruction . , good anxiety management, the ability to cooperate with peers and accessibility to cultural material in the family are factors that influence situs the educational achievements of young Italians. Another relevant factor that emerges from the study is the school institute which studies : 41% of the variability of students' academic performance is explained by their grouping in the different schools . It is not the same for other countries: in Spain for example, the difference in institutions only weighs 8%. In Japan France Canada and Germany On the other hand, the most important variable is the size of the institution. more schools, students get better results.

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