The security decree becomes law, from the closure of authorizations to begging: this is what changes


The decree on security was finally approved by the House with 396 yes and 99 no. In addition to the majority, the brothers from Italy and Forza Italia are also in favor of this provision. The Democratic Party, with LeU, also intervenes on the different agendas of the day and organizes demonstrations with white masks on the face. After the final vote of the House of Commons security decree, the League members let go of a roar of joy for satisfaction. No applause, however, from the allies of the Five Star Government. Inverted photography of that taken at the green light – not final – of the House of the anti-corruption bill: on this occasion, the 5 stars applauded for the satisfaction of the cold Lega. And always like a mirror effect with inverted parts, in the room there are the big leagues, with Matteo Salvini and Giancarlo Giorgetti sitting on the benches of the government, and for the 5-star minister Riccardo Fraccaro. For the anti-corruption bill, Salvini was missing, but there was Luigi Di Maio and Alfonso Bonafede.

In summary, the content of the decree:

CLOSE TO AUTHORIZATIONS – the residence permit for humanitarian purposes is abolished and replaced by temporary special permits 6, the cases considered: particularly serious health reasons; calamity in the country of origin; acts of civil value; victims of trafficking; Domestic violence and serious exploitation.

MORE TIME IN CPR – The maximum period of detention of foreigners in repatriation centers is 90 to 180 days. It introduces the possibility of detaining migrants awaiting deportation to other PS facilities, in the absence of posts in the PRC, and the possibility of keeping asylum seekers in sensitive areas. – MORE OFFENSES

FOR REVOCATION ASYLUM, ALSO FLIGHT – There is an increase in the number of crimes leading to the denial or revocation of international protection: badual violence, serious injury, robbery, violence against a public official, badual mutilation, aggravated theft, drug trafficking. In the Senate, there is a crime of burglary, even if it is not aggravated.

VIA CITIZENSHIP FOR THE REACORISM OF CRIME – Citizenship is revoked for persons convicted of terrorist offenses. –

STOP ASYLUM AFTER THE COMMISSION DECISION – Immediate review of the application for international protection of applicants who are the subject of criminal proceedings for a crime that would result in a denial of protection in the event of a final conviction. The examination is triggered for those who already have a conviction, even if it is not definitive. In case of refusal, the applicant must leave Italy. –

SPRAR SYSTEM – Only holders of international protection and unaccompanied minors can access it. Who is already in the system will stay there until the projects are completed.

UNTIL 4 YEARS OF CITIZENSHIP – The deadlines (from 2 to 4 years) are extended for the investigation of the citizenship application, which will be granted only if the Italian is known.

LIST OF SECURE COUNTRIES – Expedited review of applications for protection of persons from the countries on the list. –

ELECTRONIC BRACELET FOR STALKER – Control with the electronic bracelet of the accused for mistreatment in the family and criminal harbadment.

CAR TRUCK CONTRACTS PS TRUCK – Desired standard by the anti-terrorism to prevent attacks with cars and trucks against the crowd. The data of those who stipulate leases must first be communicated to the police force.

TASER IN URBAN VIGILES – Electric impulse gun tests are also planned for municipal police forces in all provincial capitals.

DASPO URBANO – Daspo applies to terrorist suspects for sporting events and Daspo Urban can also apply to health centers and areas intended for markets, fairs and public spectacles

RIGHT ON SGOMBERI – More severe penalties against those who promote or organize the occupation of buildings (from 2 to 4 years) and extension of the use of interceptions in investigations to against them.

MOLESTO STACKING AND ABUSIVE PARKING – Introduction of the crime of "harbading exercise of begging" (up to six months, which can go up to three years if minors are used) and heavier penalties for unauthorized parking: in case of Use of minors or recidivism, arrest and you risk a year in jail.

THE AUDITORS DECIDE ON "ETHNIC STORES" The first citizens will be able, for up to 30 days, to restrict the hours of sale of shops affected by "night-time concentration phenomena" even in non-central areas.

MORE MONEY TEAMS FOR SECURITY STEPS – Sports clubs will have to pay more money to ensure the safety of the stadium. The percentage of ticket sales to be allocated for this purpose ranges from 1-3% to 5-10%

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