The security of the trust: near the licenses, the crime of "harassing quarrel" was born



The "Salvini Decree", on which the House has approved the trust, introduces a series of innovations in the field of immigration and security. Here are the main points of the provision.

Close on license
The humanitarian residence permit is abolished and replaced by temporary "special permits" 6, the cases considered: particularly serious health reasons; calamity in the country of origin; acts of civil value; victims of trafficking; domestic violence; and serious exploitation.

More time in CPR
The maximum length of detention of foreigners in repatriation centers ranges from 90 to 180 days. It introduces the possibility of detaining migrants awaiting deportation to other PS facilities, in the absence of posts in the PRC, and the possibility of keeping asylum seekers in sensitive areas.

More crimes for the dismissal of asylum, even theft
There is an increase in the number of crimes resulting in the denial or revocation of international protection: badual violence, serious injury, robbery, violence against a public official, badual mutilation, aggravated theft, drug trafficking. In the Senate adds the crime of robbery at home, even without aggravation.

Via citizenship for terrorist offenses
Italian citizenship is revoked for persons convicted of terrorist offenses.

Stop asylum after the Commission decision
Immediate review of the application for international protection of applicants who are the subject of criminal proceedings for a crime which, in the event of a final conviction, would result in denial of protection. The examination is triggered for those who already have a conviction, even if it is not definitive. In case of refusal, the applicant must leave Italy.

Sprar system
Only international and unaccompanied minors can access it. Who is already in the system will stay there until the projects are completed.

Up to 4 years for citizenship
The deadlines (from 2 to 4 years) are extended for the instruction of the citizenship application, which will be granted only if the Italian is known.

List of safe countries
Expedited review of applications for protection of persons from the countries on the list.

Electronic bracelet for stalkers
Control with the electronic bracelet of the accused for infamous mistreatment and criminal harbadment.

Car rental contract with Ps forces
Desired standard by the anti-terrorism to prevent attacks with cars and trucks against the crowd. The data of those who stipulate leases must first be communicated to the police force.

Taser to traffic officers
The electric impulse pistol experiment is also planned for municipal police departments of all provincial capitals.

Urban daspo
Daspo applies to terrorism suspects for sporting events and the urban exhibition can also apply to health centers and areas reserved for markets, fairs and public shows.

Closure of evictions
More severe sanctions against those who promote or organize the occupation of buildings (from 2 to 4 years) and extension of the use of interceptions in the investigations to their against.

Boring begging and unauthorized parking
Introduction of the crime of "harbading begging exercise (up to 6 months which pbades to 3 years if you use minors)) and heavier penalties for unauthorized parking: in case of use of minors or relapse, the arrest is triggered and he faces one year in prison.

Mayors decide ethnic stores
The first citizens will be able, up to 30 days, to limit the hours of sale of stores affected by the "phenomena of nocturnal concentration" even in non-central areas.

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