The European Union serves," a system that leads to more stability, integrations with concentric, differentiated and open circles, not mortification, of the many identities that represent the wealth of our continent ". Then Sergio Mattarella talks to students of the University of Tbilisi. "Young people and culture play a crucial role in this context: it is the Erasmus boys who represent the hope of a" Europe 2.0 ", without mental or material frontiers."
"Despite the difficulties ", the grand design that made the success of the Union must be pursued with determination" unique in history, center of attraction based on the principles of liberal democracy; space of peace and of prosperity, "continued Mattarella. "The EU maintains the charm," he added, "of a unique project of ideal and concrete momentum, for those who want a system based on shared rules, leading to cohabitation." , to the common commitment and not to the opposition ".
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