The Spelgatti government at work to review the administrative structure


The Spelgatti government to work to review the administrative structure

– It will be a work that will take time, we must understand the critical issues and put in place the team of executives who can work in the direction we want ".


  Nicoletta Spelgatti and the advisers of his junta

Nicoletta Spelgatti and the advisers of his junta

  Nicoletta Spelgatti, president of the region

Nicoletta Spelgatti, president of the region [19659008] Nicoletta Spelgatti ” itemprop=”image”/>

A return to the past for the Spelgatti government's first press conference. After several months of meetings with the press during the presidency of Viérin, in the hall of the Regional Palace, we returned to the Sala Giunta on the second floor of Piazza Deffeyes. Here, the new president has chosen to sit at the head of the table at the opposite of the one occupied by Augusto Rollandin for years. Surrounded by all six councilors, who did not give the floor, it took a few minutes to read the announced measures then for a quick communication

"In these two days real work, we took possession of the offices – explained Nicoletta Spelgatti – and began collegially, in an excellent climate, the recognition and badysis of the administrative structure .This will be a work that will take time, we need to understand the critical issues and put together the team of executives who can work in the direction we want. "

A study phase that also concerns the various files of the presidency table. "You can not evaluate in just two days, we are not reckless people but people who study before making decisions."

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