The Strasbourg Court condemns Russia for the investigations never carried out into the murder of Anna Politkovskaja


The European Court of Human Rights condemns Russia because it has not conducted an effective investigation to determine who commissioned the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, killed in the elevator of the building where she lived in Moscow in October The mother, sister and children of the journalist resorted to Strasbourg in 2007 against the Russian authorities.

In the judgment, the Strasbourg judges declare that "despite the investigation, tangible results were obtained with the conviction of 5 men directly responsible for the murder, the investigation can not be considered adequate if no effort has been made to identify who ordered and paid for the murder. " The Court notes that "apparently, the authorities have followed only one way, linked to a businessman residing in London, Boris Berezovsky, who died in 2013, without however providing documents of the record, details on requests for international badistance, or the steps "

In addition," the Russian government did not explain why the authorities had chosen to focus their attention on a single line of business ". investigation, despite the fact that he admitted to the Strasbourg Court that these murders require a multi-faceted approach, "observe the judges. "The state should have examined the family's accusations regarding possible involvement of secret service agents or representatives of the Chechen administration," the court said. Finally, in Strasbourg, it is reported that Moscow has provided no convincing justification for why the investigation into this murder has lasted so long.

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