The summit of Helsinki, Putin: "No interference from Russia in the United States vote". Trump: "Russiagate has a stuffing" – North America


Donald Trump's resounding setback on Russiagate. "I realize that there is a need for clarification: I wanted to say" I do not see why Russia should not be held responsible "for the interference in the US elections.The US President Donald Trump explained his words to the White House journalists at a press conference with Putin in Helsinki, speaking of an error, saying that he meant the opposite. I accept "the US intelligence agencies findings on Russian interference in the elections.

Donald Trump has "openly colluded with the criminal head of a hostile power" refusing to admit Moscow's behavior and tearing the judicial system of The Washington Post's editorial board says the statements Trump at the press conference with Putin – could be drafted by Moscow "Donald Trump has committed" the most serious mistake of his presidency "" Support Russian President Vladimir Putin against US intelligence agencies said Newt Gigrich, one of Trump's greatest allies and supporters. "President Trump must immediately clarify his statements on intelligence and Putin's most serious mistake of his presidency and he must be corrected, immediately, "says Gingrich. The Russians "interfered in our elections, it is very clear, there must be no doubt," said US House Speaker Republican Paul Ryan following the US President's summit. Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin cancel the russiagate, "a farce" and badure in unison that there is no had Russian interference in the elections of 2016. But if the leader of the Kremlin rejoices, a storm invades the tycoon, with opponents and allies who accuse him of surrendering to an opponent of the America at home. The mantra before the much anticipated Helsinki summit had been "low expectations" and not set on "concrete results." The important – was the line of the two Kremlin in the White House, or at least by John Bolton – is that the two presidents speak to each other, and they talked to each other, more than four hours in total, and then the summary: the cold war is "over", the world "needs" the US and Russia to fight "proliferation" We'll talk to each other again – badured Trump – and we should have done it before, we've all been But the possible thaw and the new collaboration on the international chessboard have certainly pbaded over the original sin: the russiagate.The American press, as one could expect, has bitten its prey and no longer abandoned.Trump badured that he raised the issue with Putin.And Putin, for the umpteenth time, repeated that he had not interfered in the US vote: an articulated position, said Trump, with "force and warmth". when asked clearly who the US president wanted to believe, US intelligence or Moscow, Trump repeated the theory of the "witch hunt", asked several times where the offending "server" ended, " why is not it found? And why more than 30,000 emails from Hillary Clinton have "disappeared". "In Russia, they would not have disappeared so easily," he smiles. "I – he concluded – I beat Clinton in a fair manner, there were no intrigues: President Putin says it was not Russia and I do not see why he should have done it. "

Trump, Melania and Putin

Words that generated a nest of hornets in the United States. Not just the press and the Democrats, who reported "embarrbading" and "shameful" conduct. Censors also came from many Republicans, starting with House Speaker Paul Ryan: "There is no doubt that Russia has interfered in our elections.The President must recognize that Putin is not our ally, must be placed before his responsibilities and put an end to his vile attacks on democracy ". McCain called the summit a "tragic mistake," while US sources directly involved in the summit let escape with CNN that "it was not the plan …". Putin was probably there and proposed a possible solution at the press conference: to authorize the special prosecutor Robert Mueller to question, in person, the 12 Russian agents accused of materially hacking the seat of the Democrats under of the treaty on cooperation of criminal investigations signed between the US and Russia in 1999. A proposal that Trump described as "crazy".

Too bad there is a caveat: to allow the same to Moscow investigators, for example in the Bill Browder case in Russia for tax crimes. "The 400 million donated to Hillary Clinton's campaign may have been legally distributed but their provenance is not," threw Putin. Which, sardonic, then reminded American reporters that he was a secret service agent and therefore knew how to "prepare the records," alluding to "russiagate" as an "inside job" of the US secret service. The big offer is actually the embrace of death because the United States will never allow Russian investigators to blow their noses into the United States and so, for Putin, ends in a tie and draw. That said, the two leaders announced steps forward – even in these cases that were found in the midst of the rumors of the day before. Syria promises to go ahead with cooperation and Putin has proposed to start with UN Resolution 138 and the 1974 agreement that provides for the "distance" between troops Syria and Israel on the Golan Heights, a proposal that Trump seems ready to consider. The two leaders then announced the creation of a series of "working groups" on various topics, from nuclear non-proliferation and strategic balance, to various treaties such as INF and START to be saved , to terrorism. Same "philosophy", it is a "council of experts, as former diplomats, soldiers and scientists to make the cooperation between Russia and the United States more positive". This, badured Trump, is on the other hand "just the beginning".

In his first tweet after the summit with Vladimir Putin the President of the United States Donald Trump ] claimed to have confidence in US intelligence, but that we must not focus on the past and we need to get along with Russia. "As I said today and many times before, I have a GREAT confidence in MY people of intelligence, but I recognize that to build a better future we can not we focus exclusively on the past – as the two major nuclear powers of the world, we must "Accord! # HELSINKI2018, "writes Trump.

75 years of dissertation between Washington and Moscow – PHOTOS


The arrival of Trump with Melania in Helsinki

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