The Supreme Court: "Seize the funds of the League wherever they are"


The financial future of the League is complicated after a decision filed today by the Supreme Court. The judges of the Supreme Court have indeed established that future receipts must be entered "wherever it is" any amount of money attributable to the party – on bank accounts, booklets, deposits – up to 49 million euros, the proceeds of fraud the former leader Umberto Bossi and the former cashier Francesco Belsito were sentenced in July 2017 in first instance. The Cbadation, technically, underlines in the motives that host the Genoa Procura call against the movement of Matteo Salvini, who had opposed the kidnappings. The court of Riesame, competent on the case, must now follow the indications of ermellini.

Risk for future accounts

The measure is likely to be very destabilizing, since the League can theoretically no longer receive a euro, as much on the main accounts as on those of the various territorial ramifications registered in the party, without risking being sequestered. And the judicial bogeyman has long been considered as one of the motivations for the creation of "alternative" pools, foundations or other organizations close to the party, but likely to open its own deposits without being attacked by the magistrates. This is the case, for example, of the foundation "Più Voci" created a year and a half ago by Giulio Centemero, then Treasurer and Loyalist of Salvini, as well as a new member, to whom more than 200,000 euros had been sent by Luca Parnasi. arrested for the scandal of the stadium of Rome. These funds, unlike those who spend on "official" accounts, would not be sequestrable because they do not belong to a fund directed to the League itself

The Carroccio's Defense [19659003] In the opinion of the supreme judges, the Guardia di Finanza can proceed to a general blocking under the seizure decree, rendered on September 4 by the Genovese prosecutors, without it being necessary to provide a new provision for amounts subsequent to the decree itself. According to Giovanni Ponti, Lega's lawyer, the only sums that can be seized are those found on deposits "at the time of the execution of the seizure" (early September 2017, when investigators found about 2 million out of 49) with "consequential inadmissibility" pm to intervene also on the "deposited" sums ". Moreover, in the opinion of the Lega defense, the prosecution could only seek for the confiscation of "future sums" during the appeal process. And yet, the Supreme Court goes even further on this point. And he objects that the money on the accounts may not have been found in the first blitz "for a transient or reversible impossibility"; Above all, always in the eyes of the magistrates of the third degree, the prosecutor does not have to give an account of all the investigations carried out "otherwise the function of precaution of the seizure could easily be avoided, during the time necessary to its completion".


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The Survey at the Recycling Service

It should also be remembered that a recycling investigation has been open since the early days of 2018 on the alleged disappearance of money from the Northern League. The Genoese investigators hypothesis is that the money obtained in different tranches after the fraudulent claims of Bossi and Belsito, and materially confiscated under the direction of Maroni and Salvini, was not spent in the dark with a series of fireworks. to protect them from the subsequent action of the judiciary. In particular, the financial suspects that a series of ambiguous operations took place across the Bolzano Sparkbade: by the end of 2016, 10 million were invested in the Pharus fund in Luxembourg, and 3 returned at the beginning of this year. On these comings and goings, just from the Grand Duchy, a suspicious transaction report reached the Italian anti-money laundering authorities. And the military believes that behind these streams of money there could be the Carroccio, be it the masked funds of the League.


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