The Supreme Court: to seize the accounts of the League, wherever they are


"Wherever he is" any money relating to the Lega Nord – on bank accounts, pbadbooks, deposits – must be seized up to 49 million EUR, product of fraud in the state Umberto Bossi, former leader of the League, was sentenced in the first instance.

This is underlined by Cbadation in the grounds of reception the appeal of the Prosecutor of Genoa against Matteo Salvini, against seizures of carpets for the recovery of sums due. The Riesame must now follow the indications of the ermine. Up to now, 1.5 billion euros have been seized at Carroccio. Quickly the answer of the deputy Leghist (and director of the party) Giulio Centemero: "We are astonished ", "always transparent, they will not stop us ".

The judges: "The GdF can proceed to the blockade "
In the opinion of the supreme judges, the Guardia di Finanza can proceed to the blocking of the Lega accounts under the decree of seizure without the need for a new provision for the amounts found on the accounts in the post-decree times. Instead, according to Giovanni Ponti, Lega's attorney, the only sums that can be seized are those found on the accounts "at the time of the execution of the seizure" with " consequent inadmissibility of the prosecutor's requests to seize the sums deposited "». According to the defense of the League, the prosecutor could not request the confiscation of "even future sums" as during the appeal process. But the Supreme Court objected that the money from the accounts might not have been found during the decree "for a transitional or reversible impossibility", and the prosecutor does not have to account for all the investigations carried out "otherwise the precautionary function will be easily avoided during the time it takes to complete them".

"The seizure has conditions of law"

The decree seizure of accounts Lega, issued on September 4 by the prosecutor of Genoa following the conviction of Bossi and other defendants for fraud against the state, is a provision which, the judges emphasize, "was issued in accordance with the requirements of the law and has not been challenged by the Northern League". The verdict of the Cbadation opens the block "carpet" accounts of the League also for sums recovered after the issuance of the decree and that in the pursuit of investigations chasing the "treasure" illegally confiscated by the Carroccio – second charge – between 2008 and 2010, and without the need for a new decree. In short, the stoats report that the League, after the conviction of Bossi, has not disputed the legitimacy of the seizure of sums illegally confiscated by the former head, but that is only later that the party headed by Matteo Salvini tried to restrict sums that could be paid into the accounts in the future.

2 years in prison for Bossi

For this case Bossi, re-elected to the Senate, was sentenced to two years and six months of first degree imprisonment the former treasurer league Francesco Belsito four years and ten months, one year and nine months Stefano Aldovisi, two years and eight months each Diego Sanavio and Antonio Turci. The last three were sentenced as auditors of the League. At trial, the heaviest penalty was the five-year imprisonment for money laundering inflicted on Paolo Scala and Stefano Bonet, entrepreneurs suspected of having transferred part of the "booty" to Cyprus and in Tanzania.

No need for a new seizure

For the judges "the request made by the PM to extend the original provision on provisional measures, which aimed at the direct confiscation of the sum of 48 million 696,617 euros even the sums paid after the date of execution of the seizure decree of 4 September 2017 on accounts and deposits similar to the Lega Nord, do not involve novation, it is to say that they do not require a new seizure. Indeed, according to the verdict 29923, " the object of the precautionary measure is always that of the original decree, which has not been challenged among others, namely the l 39; existence of the monetary availability of the Lega Nord collector who increased the profit of the crime, thus legitimizing the direct confiscation of the relative amount, wherever and with whomever it is kept and thus also that received on accounts and / or deposits on the date following the execution of the genetic measure. "

Centemero: we transparent, we will not stop

" We are surprised to learn from the agencies even before the Court of Cbadation, the reasons for the conviction that should continue the seizure of 48 million euros of electoral reimbursements, "writes MP Centemero in a note." Conscious of the transparency and the Total honesty with which we manage the movement, with c financial statements certified by outside companies and having no secret accounts abroad but only a few lire in the cash register due to the seizures made Centemero – It will be our responsibility to report at the court of Genoa 10 cents penny all that we collected as offers of retirees, students and workers at the meeting of Pontida . Maybe the effectiveness of Lega government action annoys anyone, but they will not stop us that way. "

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