the tax authorities reportedly lost nearly 43 billion euros


This black work or irregular is one of the endemic wounds of our economic system is well known. But now, a recent study of Cgia di Mestre highlights the abnormal proportions that, due to a series of causes, have reached the phenomenon. The survey shows that the problem is transversal to all economic sectors, although in some, such as building and, more importantly, agriculture, it is more accentuated. Even there would be exactly 3 million and 300 thousand workers totally unknown to Fisco, Inps, and Inail, and therefore without any form of protection. The Cgia also calculated the business figure that is subtracted from the tax.

And that is a considerable amount. In fact, we are talking about more than 77 billion euros each year

The badysis of the Cgia

The problem of illegal labor is related to others problems that are extremely felt in our country. One of them is tax evasion, the other, the southern issue . In fact, given the high tax burden that still characterizes our tax system, many businesses and individuals, particularly in the South, use black work to make ends meet. As a result, the state coffers lose each year something like 42 billion and 600 million euros . The currency, which, if recovered, could have a significant impact on the tax burden making it significantly lower.

Naturally, to achieve this result, the Italian Mezzogiorno must grow economically and attract public investment, but especially private individuals.

The Cgia, indeed, has highlighted in his investigation, how the phenomenon of black labor is particularly felt in the deepest south of Italy. In areas such as Calabria Campania and Sicily . These three regions, together, total an army of clandestine laborers who 841 thousand and 500 workers .

The lost recipe for the state coffers, adding up the amounts calculated by the Cgia for these three regions they rise to about 9 and a half billion euros . In percentage terms, compared to estimates of official GDP, the submerged of these three regions, still in aggregate form, equals 22.1% of GDP. If, then, we think that the total amount of revenue losses, which we mentioned above, of 42 billion and 600 million euros is equal to about 40% of the official GDP, you can better understand the proportions Just as the lack of income, damage, more or less indirectly, even the regular activities that, on the one hand, end up with a greater tax burden than what they would have to pay in case of work problem. the black has been resized and residual.

But, on the other hand, they must also deal with the unfair competition of companies that resort to black labor and black workers themselves. This, obviously, because do not pay the contributions, nor the compulsory insurance, have a decidedly lower labor cost [VIDEO] . And they can, therefore, offer their goods and services at much cheaper prices to the end consumer.

The Solution Proposals of the Cgia

To counteract and eventually solve the problem of the submerged the CIA investigation shows that it is not only necessary to lower taxes in general, but also social security contributions in particular. According to Cgia, the good ones should be restored in some form, as emphasized by "Repubblica". Above all, as a way to encourage the emergence of undeclared work. But by adopting appropriate corrections to avoid past abuses. It would be necessary, for this purpose, as emphasized by the "Corriere della Sera", to increase and strengthen the bodies responsible for control activities . And launch an educational awareness campaign in all social sectors to promote the culture of legality. We will see how these indications will be implemented by the new government.

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