The trial – Ruby ter, Berlusconi to girls on the phone: "Ask the impossible" Italy


Ruby ter, Berlusconi to girls: asking for the impossible

Taken secretly with a cell phone of one of the girls of the evening at Arcore the former prime minister meets the pressing demands of some young people who ask him for a job on TV [19659003] <! – ->

Milan – "I am president of nothing at Mediaset, I have been out of Mediaset for 18 years". It is thus that Silvio Berlusconi, secretly taken with his mobile phone by one of the evening girls in Arcore and sitting on a sofa in Villa San Martino, responds to pressing demands say "impossible" of the former prime minister himself, young people at home with him asking for a job on television.

The video was made in mid-2011 when the Ruby case investigation had already erupted, filed in Ruby ter trial proceedings and until now never very widespread.

"I did not make of the island (…) the film that I had to do with Mbadimo Boldi that you had given him," says one of the girls. And Berlusconi: "I did not give it."

And another young woman, presumably Marysthell Polanco who took over, said, "I only have one contract, grandpa, that's what I'm doing. I need (…) you are the president of the Council of Italy, owner of Mediaset anyway ". And he: "Yes, did you see what they do to me? President of the Council of Italy …"

The then Prime Minister, talking to young people in front of him, as we see it in the video of about 27 minutes, in front of the pressing pressing of the girls tries to rebadure them, while they constantly make him notice that in different TV programs work of others and not theirs. "As for Marysthell – explains the leader of FI – goes in" Colorado ". And Polanco: "But I'm going to" Colorado "and what I have to do because I know that Belen presents (…) has put me in Sipario (…) but a contract for at least one year is not valid for two months. "

And again:" It's not that I'm asking you so much about the popes. "And he, slouched on the couch and apparently tired of this, continues: "You ask impossible things what I can not do, keep in mind that television is not mine." Polanco, at some point, raises his voice. "I do not work just because this mess has happened here," he says, referring to the investigation that had just burst on the "bunga-bunga" and their "image" in ruins, because they are called "daughters of Berlusconi".

Another young person emphasizes that in a program "they put the Fico" and Berlusconi defends itself: "But I did not not put in me (…) I did not see Raffaella Fico for four months (…) went with Balotelli ". And at that moment, another, presumably the star Barbara Guerra : "Well, you can call and say" take the fig tree and put the war "." The & # 39; pressure & # 39; becomes more and more cumbersome, so Polanco tells him: "I tell you now that I'm not leaving here before signing a contract."

And another: "I swear by tomorrow that I want to sign something". And always Polanco: "Imagine that we are refugees (…) everyone works thanks to you popes (…) pretend that we are people who have lost the family (…) and give us a little hand. "And again:" If we work tomorrow, we'll help you, we'll give you a hand in other things. "Finally, Polanco's almost desperate appeal:" I'm going to be hungry , M. Berlusconi. "

" They all tried them all, only I can have the strength to resist in such a situation ". This is a long list of what Berlusconi is doing to his younger guests at Arcore about attempts to "do it" outside of a political, media, judicial, heritage, and physical point of view . List that clicks while sitting comfortably on a sofa in Villa San Martino without knowing how to be taken care of by one of the girls.

In the video, in the proceedings of the Ruby ter trial, the former prime minister interrupts the girls at one point: "I found three communist judges. Now, I discovered that two of them were writing on Lotta Continua and sentenced me to fail, "he explains in reference to the conviction of the Court of Appeal of Milan in July 2011 to pay 540 million to Cir De Benedetti family.

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