The Turin Prosecutor's Office on the assault: "Let us try Salvini"


The minister changes and the prosecutor of Turin tries again: for the third time he writes to the Minister of Justice to allow the current Minister of the Interior to to be judged, Matteo Salvini .

The chief prosecutor, Armando Spataro, today sent the third reminder – the first two were sent to the former guardian Andrea Orlando, but had not received any response – to Alfonso Bonafede, since the investigation file. was opened for defamation of the judicial body and for this must be considered by the competent minister, who may or may not authorize prosecutors to proceed.

The case dates back to 2016, when the leader of the League, today Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, spoke of " magistratura crap " at a rally . Then Salvini defended himself by saying that "there are many judges doing their job well," but that "unfortunately it is also true that there are judges who work much less , who are doing politics, who are investigating one-way and dangerous offenders ". "As long as the Italian justice system does not clean up and clarify, Italy will never be a normal country," he said.

From the Department badures that, as for other records concerning similar facts, "a preliminary inquiry is ongoing and the guardian of the occupation – who knows the situation, the legislative framework to which the procedure refers with all the relative timing – is fully aware of the prerogatives related to its role ". Finally, in via Arenula, it is also noted that, considering the principles of the M5, "it is clear that he will not look at anyone".

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