The ultra-wide band arrives in Vallo di Nera Inauguration of the construction site of the optical fiber


The ultra-broadband arrives in small towns of Umbria, until now considered as "white zone" for the Internet connection. One of the first construction sites in the region was inaugurated in Vallo di Nera, in the hamlet of Meggiano.

An inauguration ceremony was held in the presence of Mayor Agnese Benedetti, the director of the technical management of the open-fiber spa, Giorgio De Angelis, the director of works Roberta Albi, the municipal technicians entrepreneur CEIT and Cogepa execution company, wanted to highlight the importance of work

"We build the network for the next hundred years" – said the Open Fiber Manager Giorgio De Angelis.

The laying of fiber optic cables will last four months, after which the infrastructure will be completed. The optical fiber will be distributed in FTTH technology, Fiber to home, allowing access to the most innovative digital services with a speed of 100 Mega. The fiber will be brought to the advanced termination points, to which each user can be connected to the chosen operator.

In this first phase, the wiring will affect the mountain areas of the municipality of Vallo di Nera, then continue with centers of Piedipaterno and Vallo di Nera, whose roof project is nearing completion

"A very important opportunity that is offered to us by the State through the Bul Plan set up by the company Infratel, the Umbria Region and the European Union – says the Mayor of Vallo di Nera Agnese Benedetti – we have tried to give full cooperation.The ultra-broadband will bring great innovation to the territory for network connections; fast connection will bring down the technological barriers of mountain areas, improving services for citizens and businesses. Equal opportunity operation that will change the accessibility to services and places and which, I hope, will serve as much as possible to attract new residents and new ac "


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