The Unesco does not like Prosecco, but brings Ivrea into the club of beautiful – Magazine


Rome, July 2, 2018 – "Ivrea, the ideal city of the industrial revolution of the twentieth century, is the 54th Italian site of Unesco . A recognition that goes to a humanistic conception of the work of Adriano Olivetti here completely completed, in which the economic, social and cultural well-being of the collaborators is considered as an integral part of the process of production ". This is the commentary of the neoministro of Heritage and Cultural Activities, Alberto Bonisoli, for the Inscription of the Piedmont City on the Unesco World Heritage List . It did not pbad after two hours of debate, for only two votes – there was no shortage of protests and protests, Coldiretti in the lead – the candidacy of Prosecco Hills: the required majority for the ## 147 ## 39, immediate registration was 14 of the 21 member countries of the Committee. In the final decision, the UNESCO Committee recognized "the high potential of the candidate site, which presents elements of uniqueness that need to be better clarified. And he invites Italy to submit the file the next year with the necessary corrections for registration. "We will bring all the additions to the Prosecco Hills file that UNESCO needs," badures Venetian President Luca Zaia.

In 1898 Carducc he honored her in his Rhyme: Ivrea the beautiful mirrors that red mirrors to the Dora cerulea in the broad chest, fósca around is the shadow of the Arduino King … Today, l & # 39 – Unesco – which focuses more on the socio-economic aspect of the Piedmontese city linked to the name Olivetti – inserts " 20th century industrial city of Ivrea " in the list of heritage confirming the primacy of Italy, first among the 108 countries represented by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, with 54 sites recognized by UNESCO "Secondly, it is China that, if it succeeds in inserting the cultural site and the natural site, is at the same veau ", sighs Carlo Francini, scientific coordinator of Italian Heritage Beni Unesco World Heritage and referent for the site" centro storico di Florence " inscribed on World Heritage List since December 1982 .

But what is the world's most coveted recognition, what are the benefits and obligations badociated with the legitimate coronation? Since art does not only live bread, in lean times, the first issue is related to the financial aspect, ie the allocation (or less ) funds to be invested in the maintenance or enhancement of the site in the event of a victory. Absolutely not, indeed there are investments to be made and parameters to respect, but the return is immense – the historian of the Florentine art takes – There is no precise venal value of the World Heritage List depends on the capacity of each territory. In the case of Ivrea, this is an important result because it is not a candidacy related to originality (as is often the case today. ), but to the social value of the city. Linked to its contemporary architecture. "

If Italy has not always known how to exploit its supremacy, it has never lost the recognition of Unesco, as this this was the case for Germany which saw the expulsion of Dresden from the list in 2009. The first investiture dates back to 1979, when the rock engravings of Val Camonica were Entries in the list, this year Ivrea, instead of the hypothesis Colline del Prosecco .
In almost 40 years, our sites have all remained among the treasures of humanity to defend, which is not quite obvious, as the case of Dresden teaches.After a secret ballot, there is the possibility of being "canceled", after warning and warning.If the features that led to recognition are still not protected, the title is lost, which is hard to recover.

But how do you propose a site to the list of UNESCO? Who can ask to include in the list a place or an intangible treasure (see pizzas)?
established by the 1972 Convention, each Member State must submit a list of sites in its own country that meet the criteria established by the convention itself, "explains the website of the international organization. It depends on the good in question, there is no fixed process: sometimes the demand comes from below, the inhabitants of the territories who recognize the property a particular value, other times institutions , regions and so on.
The tourist attraction that can animate the territory for which the candidacy is expressed is the most popular, and that is why UNESCO has placed on the List ten criteria for registration enough rigid. The awards represent a worldwide sounding board: if Florence, Venice or Naples do not need to increase their visibility, the speech is different for the Castel del Monte in Puglia, and example, listed in 1996 or the Botanical Garden of Padua (1997) the Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande di Modena (1997) . For them, becoming the flag of Unesco can really make a difference.

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