The vote for the Turin Olympics and no extradition for Puigdemont



"Negotiations accelerated the attack on Borsellino". Thus, we read in the motives of the sentence filed by the judges of the Assize Court of Palermo on the state-mafia negotiation, which condemned on April 20 the former generals of Ros Mario Mori and Antonio Subranni and Marcello Dell & # 39; Utri. Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini sued Roberto Saviano

Turin approves the bid of the city at the Winter Olympics of 2026 with the favorable vote of only 22 councilors (M5 and Noi with Italy).

Incident for Vincenzo Nibali in the Tour de France struck by a motorcycle

Milan Stock Exchange. FtseMib -0.4 percent. Btp-Bund differential at 217 points. The euro closes at 1.15 against the dollar.


There are suspicions of chemical attack on Salisbury According to British police, Russian citizens are possible perpetrators of the former spy's poisoning Soviet, Sergei Skripal, his daughter, and the couple Amesbury

"Ready for any eventuality" for Brexit. The spokesman for the commission said. There is an increase in the possibility for the UK to leave the EU without agreement.

For Puigdemont, no extradition. The Spanish Supreme Court withdrew the European arrest warrant for the former Catalan president

Israel was the nation of the Jewish people a law pbaded by a majority approved by Parliament, according to which Hebrew is "national language" and "special language" Arabic.

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