The world is getting sicker, in the intestines


The world is getting sicker, in the intestines

The incidence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestine increases dramatically. And it is developing, for conditions that are not yet scientifically certain, not only in the historically relevant countries, such as Europe and North America, but especially in the new developed countries. This emergency is not reflected at the moment by adequate patient support, inadequate therapies, a significant impact on the quality of life and an increase in the costs of public spending. In an attempt to fill this popular and scientific gap, the 9th IG-IBD National Congress (Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) will be held from Thursday 29 November to 1 December in Florence, at the Convitto della Calza. Italian group for the study of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases), organized by the scientific society IG-IBD.

The disease of growing economies

More than five hundred participating specialists from all over Italy. The main themes of the scientific program of the Congress include new data on epidemiology and clinical courses in Europe and worldwide, the treatment of these diseases between past, present and future, the controversies aroused by the different strategies of treatment. Also focus on personalized medicine, infection prevention, and special situation management, especially the management of patients with a history of cancer.

"Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases are increasing worldwide, especially in countries with high economic growth, such as China and India – says Professor Alessandro Armuzzi, Secretary General of IG-IBD, IRCCS Gemelli Policlinic Foundation – Catholic University, Rome – IBD is currently considered a global disease, whereas it was mostly in Europe and North America only 30 years ago they have become generalized, precisely because of industrialization and globalization, it is the environmental component that still acts in an unknown way and which, together with a genetic predisposition, determines, at a certain stage of life, an individual, an abnormal immune response in the gut, but whether it affects food, pollution or other factors, another factor, we still do not know. "

In Italy, there are 200 thousand cases

It is estimated that more than 5 million people worldwide have inflammatory bowel disease, of which about 1.6 million in North America and nearly 3 million in Europe, with an average incidence of 30%. about 20 cases per 100,000 population and average prevalence around 250 cases per 100,000 population, respectively. In Italy, despite the lack of national epidemiological data, more than 200,000 people have ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

The world is getting sicker, in the intestines


Beijing, China, pollution

Approximately 50% of patients with Crohn's disease and up to 20% of patients with ulcerative colitis also have to undergo surgery within 10 years of diagnosis. Also confirmed, some family predispositions in the development of the disease; in fact, one in five patients has one or more close relatives with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

More and more young patients

In addition, in recent years, there has been a rapid and gradual increase in cases of pediatrics, some of which are very early, those defined as "very early", which we can observe from 2 years.

"In Italy – explains Professor Armuzzi – there is still no national register, so the figures are not certified, but it can be said that 40% of these 200 000 cases are Crohn's disease, the 60% Remaining patients with ulcerative colitis The chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases have a peak incidence between 20 and 30. In 20% of the Italian population, inflammatory bowel diseases start at the pediatric age, resulting in more aggressive evolution: considerable attention: affected children may experience stunting, but also hospitalization and surgery. "

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