"Then they all risk losing"


The American president Donald Trump Back to his old idea: put the tariffs on cars produced abroad. If the US imposed car import tariffs, "many more cars would be built here and GM would not close its plants in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland." With a tweet, the president then plans to introduce customs duties on the import of cars produced outside the borders.

The theme is very common in the United States, after General Motors announced the shutdown of four plants in the United States and one in Canada, with a reduction of more than 14 thousand jobs. "Congress, intelligent facts – urge Trump – the countries that send cars here have benefited against the United States for decades, the president – Trump – has great power over this issue."

IMF: "Global growth is under threat"

We know that rising trade barriers are counterproductive for all parties involved, "IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in her G20 speech that she" wants to turn the corner "in The IMF's research suggests that the liberalization of trade in services could increase in the long run by 0.5%, or $ 350 billion, the G20's GDP. "At the same time , Lagarde adds, each country's actions "can strengthen economies and reduce global imbalances." Examples: Germany "It could use its fiscal space to boost growth potential, increase investment and stimulate participation in the workforce." the United States "could help reduce their budget deficit" and the China "accelerate its economic rebalancing".

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