"There is a Russian warship sunk and full of gold". The announcement shakes the Korean bag


The submerged recall of the Russian cruiser Dmitri Donskoy – an imposing vessel of about 6,000 tons sunk in 1905 – was reportedly sighted by a Seoul company in recent days off the South Korean coast. With him, a real treasure could reappear from the depths because it is badumed that on board he holds about 200 tons of gold, between ingots and coins worth $ 132 billion.

The company, which took pictures and shot video of the wreckage, identified on the back signs interpreted as the name of the ship in Cyrillic. The ship had plunged more than a century ago into the waters between Japan and South Korea after being seriously damaged by the Japanese during the Battle of Tsushima during the Russo-Japanese War. The gold fortune that would have been on board according to some was part of the Russian war fund.

The announcement of the company, Shinil Group, pushed investors toward fibrillation, to the point of pushing Seoul's financial regulatory body. issue a warning against the potential risk of loss. This is not the first time that a South Korean company is trying to find the Russian cruiser. In the 2000s, Dong-Ah Construction, now bankrupt, saw the price of its shares rise dramatically because the rumor was that it would attempt to recover the valuable wreckage.

The effect "charge of gold" was felt even in this circumstance. Shinil is not listed on the stock market, but its chairman has recently agreed to acquire shares of a local company, Jeil Steel. After the announcement of the significant discovery, the value of Jeil Steel shares has increased by 30%. The Financial Supervisory Service stated that he was closely monitoring the trading activity, including the actions of Jeil Steel and the information that will be released. In fact, there is still no guarantee on the actual recovery of the boat. Russian researchers have also said in the past that the badumption of such an important gold charge could be imaginative: it was too dangerous to put everything on the same ship. On board, probably, there were gold coins to pay officers' salaries.

Another question concerns the authorizations that Shinil will have to obtain from the government. A spokesman for the company said the request, with plans for the recovery of the ship, will be forwarded in the coming days. Shinil Group will also have to pay a deposit, as required by South Korean laws, equal to 10% of the estimated value of the wreck. And given the size of the treasure the company said could be on board, government sources report that the share to be paid should be equal to 15 billion won ($ 13.2 billion). Shinil, of course, does not agree: he says that until now only the wreckage has been found, not the gold, and that the value of the sunken ship does not exceed one million dollars.

And Russia? The South Korean finance minister said that he could also claim ownership of the wreckage and its contents. Even in this case, however, Shinil does not seem to agree: in his opinion, 80 percent of the potential treasure dorvà goes to the company and the rest to the Seoul government.

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