There is a silent clash between Lega and M5s


History of a growing conflict in three acts

Madrid, 18 Jul 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) – As Arthur Miller argues, politics is closely related to the art d & # 39; act. According to the playwright, one of the basic rules is that the viewer perceives more the personality of a leader than his proposals. This premise finds its perfect representation in what is happening in Italy for a month and a half, where the noise hides the lack of action and the propaganda feeds without being disturbed. The Spanish daily "El Pais" writes today, which devotes a very critical commentary to the internal politics of Belpaese. According to the article, the fate of the Italian government is in the hands of Matteo Salvini, as polls attest to 32% of consents compared to the 29th movement of the 5-star alliance. It is unclear how long this legislature will last, but it is certain that there are already the first signs of a deep ideological divergence between the two ruling parties. "El Pais", in this regard, speaks of a clash in three acts: the first was consumed on June 9 with the decision of the leader of the Northern League to close the ports to NGOs that save lives in the Mediterranean , a decision that has awakened from the left wing of the M5; the second act saw Salvini threaten the exit of the euro and the pentastellato Luigi Di Maio head for the cover, baduring that "the government does not work and do not think about this option"; the third and last act, defined by the paper as the "real divide", concerns the reform of the labor market and taxes, two central points that see Lega and M5 exactly opposite.

Read the article from Pais

Illy defends attempts of acquisition

Berlin, 18 Jul 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) – The Italian coffee maker Illy attracted the interest of its competitors, including Jab Holding and Nestle, but the owner family rejected the rise. The company of the German Reimann family has built an empire through a series of acquisitions and is now interested in the Trieste group. Ditto for Nestlé, who had already made an offer a few months ago. "We maintain regular contact with these companies, as well as with almost every other business in the sector, to discuss non-competitive and sensitive topics, such as coffee and health, adaptation to climate change and market standards ". (ad) of the Italian company Andrea Illy in a statement. "Any hypothesis of company agreement was deemed inappropriate". Illy, founded in 1933 by Francesco Illy, and known for its high quality espresso coffee, has been run by the same family for three generations. The company achieved a turnover of about 460 million euros in 2016, up 5.3% from the previous year, and operates in 140 countries. Jab, based in Luxembourg, has brands and distributors such as Peet, Stumptown and Caribou and in May paid about £ 1.5 billion for the Pret A Manger channel, according to information from knowledgeable people. Nestlé is expanding its coffee brands with Mark Schneider, as its Nespresso division is struggling with the loss of capsule protection. The Swiss multinational has obtained the right to market Starbucks products in May for $ 7.2 billion, but will not receive any physical resources from the transaction. This is the third largest purchase of Nestlé's 152-year history. The Group also acquired a majority stake in Blue Bottle Coffee. Illy Group, the holding company that controls the coffee brand, is seeking a financial partner for its other activities by 2019. It is also possible to enter the chocolate and tea sectors, said the president. Riccardo Illy in an interview with the newspaper "La Repubblica"

Read the article from Handelsblatt

Italy: July 25, workers strike Ryanair

Madrid, 18 July 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) – The pilots and crew of Ryanair will meet on July 25 to protest against the current working conditions. The 24-hour protest was convened by unions Filt Cigl and Uil Trasporti and will coincide in part with the July 25-26 strike involving low-cost employees in Spain, Belgium and Portugal. In Italy, accession to the mobilization took place following the convicting of the Bergamo court by the carrier for discrimination against unionized employees.

Read the article from Vanguardia


Proactiva accuses Libya of letting people die at sea, but for Salvini mente

Madrid, 18 Jul 08: 30 – ( Agenzia Nova) – New confrontation between the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, and the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms. The founder of the organization, Oscar Camps, said to have found the lifeless bodies of a woman and a child among the remains of a boat with 158 migrants on board that pennies Libyan sailors claimed to have saved two days ago. Another woman, the only survivor, was hanging on a floating log for more than 48 hours. The news is today on all Spanish media. According to the reconstruction, the three migrants did not want to follow the Libyan authorities, who, out of spite, abandoned them on the high seas and then destroyed the boat. The incident was made public with a video of Camps, which denounced "the omission of rescue and the abandonment of two bodies and a migrant still alive" and pointed to "who, as "Italy, under contract with Libyan militias making believe in Europe that Libya is a safe state with a Coast Guard capable of taking care of migrants. But for Salvini, the organization would lie. "These are just insults and lies from some foreign NGOs that confirm that we are on the right track: Reducing departures and landings means reducing the deaths and reducing the profits of those who speculate on illegal immigration. I hold strong. #portichiusi and #cuoriaperti ", written on Twitter

Read the article Mundo

Mother and son drown after refusing to return to Libya

London, 18 July 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) – A mother with her baby was left drowned in the Mediterranean after her boat was destroyed by Libyan healers: the English newspapers "The Times" and "The Telegraph" Write, reporting the accusation made by the Spanish non-governmental organization (NGO) Proactiva Open Arms, which was broadcasting images of two floating corpses and the rescue of a woman left behind. water for 24 hours. History has revived the controversy over Italy's new immigration policy; The head of the Spanish NGO, Oscar Camps, said that these two women had been abandoned after refusing to be returned to Libya by the Italian Coast Guard and that they had denounced: "Both that we will not have to deal with these killers of Italy to kill? ". Italian MP Laura Boldrini, former Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, immediately accuses Interior Minister Matteo Salvini: "A woman and her child drowned," she writes on Twitter, "this is the only thing that is going on. is the kind of postcards from Italy that Salvini sends around the world with his stamp ". Salvini indirectly replied to him on Facebook, claiming that the collection of migrants at sea and their transport to Europe had the sole effect of encouraging traffickers of human beings: "Reducing departures (from Libya ) and landings (in Italy) means reducing deaths and reducing the profits of those who speculate on illegal immigration. "

Read the article Times

Germany: The Bavarian Spd honors the captain of the" Lifeline "with the" Prix de l'Europe ""

Hamburg, 18 July 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) – Shortly before his return to Malta, to attend the trial against him, the captain of the ship "Lifeline", Claus-Peter Reisch, will be awarded by the Social Democrats Bavarian (SPD) with a price of 2,500 euros. German Social Democrat President Natascha Kohnen said that the protection of human dignity is the main goal of the European Union, but that policies are increasingly trampling on this principle in Europe. "Brave people like Claus-Peter Reisch keep the values ​​of our community alive and do it not only with words, but in actions. That is why he is a great European, "said Kohnen.The prize will be awarded for the first time, said a spokesman for the parliamentary group.The" Lifeline "had gathered 234 migrants from the Libyan coast the month last, thus contravening the indications of the Italian and Libyan authorities, and had accosted Malta after days of controversy among European governments on the Mediterranean The boat was confiscated by the authorities of Malta, Reisch is now in Germany, and landed Monday at Munich airport, but must return to Malta on July 30. The allegations of the crew "Lifeline" also concern alleged irregularities in the process of registration of the ship in the Netherlands [19659013] Read the article Spiegel

Spain and France lead sales of "robust" cars in Europe

London, 18 July 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) – Sales of new cars in Europe last June showed "robust" results, according to data published Tuesday, July 17th by the Association of the European Automotive Industry (ACEA): new registrations increased slightly more than 5% compared to the previous year, driven by growth of more than 9% in France and 8% in Spain; sales also increased in Germany, the main European market, while they decreased in Great-Britain (-6.3%) and to a lesser extent in Italy (-1.4%)

Read l & # 39; Article of the Financial Times

Spain is the New Main Destination for Immigrants from Africa

Hamburg, 18 Jul 08:30 – (Agenzia Nova) ] – According to the International Organization for Migration (OIM), Spain has become this year the first destination of migratory flows across the Mediterranean. Between January and mid-July this year, 18,000 men, women and children arrived on the Spanish coast by the western Mediterranean route. In addition, nearly 3,000 migrants tried to enter the Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta. The number of refugees on the western Mediterranean route has almost tripled compared to the same period last year and now exceeds arrivals in Italy and Greece. In Italy this year, there was a drop of about 80% in landings compared to the first seven months of 2017. The authorities counted 17,800 arrivals. In Greece, according to IOM data, the number of landings is increasing, reaching 14,700 this year, nearly half of those arriving in Europe across the Mediterranean until mid-July. The IOM estimates that the number of people drowned in the Mediterranean crossing this year was just under 1500.

Read the article Spiegel

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