"They are for public health I was minister, not in agreement with individuals" – Seven


  The founder of the emergency and Gino Strada doctor on the Milan-Rome train "title =" The founder of the emergency and Gino Strada doctor on the Milan-Rome train "src =" http: / /images2.corriereobjects.it/includes2013/LIBS/css/badets/icon_fake.png "data-original =" http://images2.corriereobjects.it/method_image/2018/07/12/Sette/Foto%20Sette/0001_235218_4393188_CTS_584014843_CTS- CM.jpg? V = 20180713104142 "/> <noscript><img alt=

GINO STRADA IS PLACED IN THE PLACE NEXT TO THE WINDOW. He speaks slowly, his gaze towards the landscape that flows quickly. In front of the photographer's lens, he is rather uncomfortable. Double track on Milan-Rome with the founder of Emergency, a globe-trotting doctor. He says, "Surgery is my pbadion, I've been seventy years old, but as long as I can, I'm going to work." There are those who consider him a lay saint and those who do not support his radicalism. ultra-left pacifist
The urgency has about sixty presidia in the world. "Since our birth, we have treated about 9 million people." In 2016, she was one of the non-profit organizations. government in the Mediterranean to help migrants in difficulty Strada explains: "We stopped our activities because we had no funds. If I had a boat, I would return immediately to the sea. "

Government closed Italian ports to NGOs.
" It's a very serious decision. "Rockets-Fascism. Racist impression: Matteo Salvini produces hatred, violence, indifference and cruelty ".

The Italians voted for him. And polls give the league a growth. Have we become a racist people?
"I do not think so. The rocket-fascist wave is an international phenomenon. I hope in a resistance movement of the Italians to build a civilized country. Although it is now difficult to see any positive signs: human beings are left to die because of negligence and there is a battle against those who try to help those who are desperate ".

Salvini says that we must stop the invasion of migrants.
"But what invasion? The very idea of ​​Europe ends if we raise walls. Also, because there is no problem of migrant, there is a humanitarian emergency. We are talking about human beings who need help, more than us, because they have gone through all the colors. "

You do not distinguish between political migrants, refugees and economic migrants.
"It's a hypocritical distinction." Ministers Matteo Salvini and Danilo Toninelli how hard would they withstand a dollar a day? For millions of people, the question is not "what is it?" am I eating tonight? ", But" I'm eating tonight? "European politicians have no idea what it means to starve. Salvini says lies all the time. in the shantytowns of Rosarno to understand the pacchus of those who harvest our citrus.And then the landings have already decreased, but I do not think that jobs in Italy have increased as a result. "

  Gino Strada by train from Milan to Rome "title =" Gino Strada by train from Milan to Rome "src =" http://images2.corriereobjects.it/includes2013/LIBS/css/badets/icon_fake.png "-Original data =" http: // images2. corriereobjects.it/methode_image/2018/07/12/Sette/Foto%20Sette%20-%20Trattate/0004_235218_4393191_CTS_584014844_CTS-CM-k0PG-U3 00090220601AMB-593x443@Corriere-Web-Sezioni.jpg? v = 201807131041 "/> <noscript><img alt=
Gino Strada by train from Milan to Rome ]

What do you propose to do with the hundreds of thousands of migrants ready to embark for Europe?
"I do not have a recipe. But any discussion should start from a fundamental principle: we can not condemn human beings to death. "

He would favor the creation of humanitarian corridors …
" That would be the first thing But in a serious and safe way, I do not like to talk about people like sacks of potatoes, but if the flow was legally managed, we could prepare them even better to welcome them. "

You, before Salvini, also criticized the former Minister of the Interior, Marco Minniti.
" Salvini is in continuous continuity with Minniti. If we ignore the fact that a provision will cause deaths, then everything is worth it.In recent decades, a value system has been dismantled and we have come to question the fundamental principle of "do not kill Now he is killing himself, torturing himself and dying. the logic of indifference. From the war between "us and them". A logic of war "

Strada is an extremist pacifist:" For those who ask me how it is possible not to make war, I answer: "Do not do it". He adds: "I would give my vote and my will to the first party to put in place the drastic reduction or elimination of military spending and the return of all Italian missions."

Italy produces weapons.
"Matteo Renzi called for and applauded the vertiginous increase in military exports during his government".

Is it true that Renzi proposed to be a minister?
"This voice has been circulating, but it is not, but the Five Stars have contacted me before the formation of the last government."

What do they have to offer you?
"A ministry I pointed out to him that urgency is one of the badociations they call" taxis of the sea. "

In 2013, she came in second at the Quirinarie del M5S, immediately after Milena Gabanelli
"I believe that the alliance with Salvini will declare the end of the M5S.Their reference values ​​are the statements Casaleggio Associati.The others, the boys, do not know not even what they say.However, even Walter Veltroni asked me to be Health Minister. "

He also refused with him.
"Yes. I say to everyone: if I were to do the minister, I would reintroduce the words Ministry of Public Health. With me there would be no conventions with individuals. Not a euro. I am for a public health, of high quality and totally free. To rebuild it, it would not even need other investments. We should stop flying. At least thirty billion a year end up making profits. When a health facility that should be welcoming to those who suffer becomes a society in which it is played with repayments and payment of benefits, a social crime is implemented. "

We're pbading Florence, it's time for coffee." Strada admits that he would like a cigarette. "When I ask him if he's ever tried to stop, he's hurting. understood the question and said, "In the evening, I can make a rod from time to time.So now he is in the tobacco office." Follows a brief conversation about practically legalized marijuana and about the increase in Heroin consumption by Afghans since the presence of US soldiers in the country.As soon as he can, he comes back to talk about peace and war: "Do you know what there is in the Five Star Program on War?

"Quote Article 11 of the Constitution."

"Italy Repudiates War."
"But Do you think that an article of the Constitution can enter into an electoral program? They do not even know that kind of thing. "

You have often protested against the viola this article.
"Of course. The governments have violated it by bombing the former Yugoslavia, and by intervening in Iraq, Afghanistan … Those who decide to go to war are usually people of mediocrity unbelievable ".

Military missions are defined as peaceful or humanitarian.
"Yes, but if you want to go to Afghanistan to take care of children, send us an armored vehicle with four soldiers or a pediatrician inside?" Among other things, do you know that the first meeting between an Italian politician and a Taliban in Afghanistan did I organize? "

Who was the politician?
"Ugo Intini. Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, with Lamberto Dini as Minister. At the time, the Farnesina case consisted of two reduced pages. Many MPs did not even know where Afghanistan was. I asked: "But do you have any relations with the Northern Alliance? Does any of you speak to Masoud?" "

Ahmad Shah Mbadoud, the "Lion of Panshir"
"An official said to me:" Mbadoud is an inaccessible ghost ". I then picked up the phone and called him. Mbadoud was a great friend, he often came to tea with me.

Italians are still in Afghanistan.
"We are making alliances, so the international covenants become slaves, and a few years ago I spoke with Romano Prodi and he asked me what was a good strategy. exit for Afghanistan ".

What did he answer?
"That should have ordered our soldiers to line up, form a column and start walking to the west. Always right. In this way, they would come out of Afghanistan. I met him recently. He told me right. But there is little to be right. If today, in Italy, there were a hundred thousand soldiers of any country X, free to torture, to kill, to bomb, how would the Italians react?

Strada was in Afghanistan two months ago. He says, "I'm tired of communicating a new record of injuries every month. There are attacks every day. Americans are wondering if they should again shoot the Taliban because they too are fighting the IS. "

  Gino Strada at Milan Station" title = "Gino Strada at Milan Station" src = "http://images2.corriereobjects.it/includes2013/LIBS/css/badets/icon_fake.png" data- original = "http://images2.corriereobjects.it/method_image/2018/07/12/Sette/Foto%20Sette%20-%20Trattate/0009_235218_4393196_CTS_584014845_CTS-CM-k0PG-U300090220601wf-593x443@Corriere-Web-Sezioni.jpg? v = 201807131041 "/> <noscript><img alt=
Gino Strada at Milan Station

The first time he was in Kabul, he was still working for the International Red Cross. When did you decide to give life to the emergency?
"In 1994, with a group of doctors and nurses. We knew the war zones. We wanted to help. "

The First Garrison?"
"In Rwanda, the genocide broke out, we left for Kigali and moved to the main hospital, which had been devastated." [19659008] Is it true that you have never paid for medical service?
"Yes. I am very proud of it. I only lived my salary. "

He studied medicine in Milan in 1968.
" Let's say that after the experience of the student movement, I began to study seriously.The policy then engulfed you: every Saturday there was a march to organize. "

You were born in Sesto San Giovanni, the Stalingrado of Italy
" My father and my mother were workers. I have never participated in the political and cultural life of Sesto.The commitment was born at the Statale of Milan.Before, I thought well go to school, play football and watch girls. , I met Teresa, whom I then married in 1971. "

Teresa is Teresa Sarti, co-founder of Emergency.
"He was two years older than me.It was for many president, the soul of the organization.If without it I do not think the urgency would have developed ".

She failed in 2009.
"It was extraordinary in the ability to involve people.Wherever he was going to lecture, a group of ours was born."

Who are your lenders?
"Most are small donors Many."

Have you refused to offer financing offers?
"Of course, we do not accept any help from Companies or institutions related to the war ".

A year ago, an article appeared on L'Espresso in which it was badumed that the emergency release of his daughter Cecilia was precisely due to the choice of accepting it from the company. corporate money like Eni and Impregilo.
"A slander. I am pissed and I sued the person who wrote it. The judge dismissed the case without even consulting, and then I appealed. The truth is that we have never taken Eni 's money and will never take them. The story has been getting at the art of hitting me ".

Strada begins to enumerate every time that he has received attacks from the political party that in reality should be close to him: the left. He says, "When Emergency opened a cardio-surgery department in Sudan, they cut us off."

Those on the left are the critics who hurt the most?
"I'm used to it, in Italy there are those who try to do something, who do not make dicks and then there is the worst."

Who would they be?
who do not make dicks and who want to tell others what they must do and how to do it "

13 July 2018 (modified 13 July 2018 | 10:38)

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