"They are used to pay pensions"


Inps insists. Once again, the refrain of migrants returns "they are accustomed to paying pensions" " .In its annual report, the Social Security Institute states that" forecasts of Expenditures indicate that even the age of withdrawal is increasing, baduming an increase in the labor force participation rate of women who tend today to have lower labor market participation rates. undiscounted productivity, to maintain the relationship between those who receive a pension and those who work at sustainable levels, the number of immigrants working in our country is crucial ".

Not only because while the yellow-green government, and in particular the minister League to the Lorenzo Fontana family, promises to put in place policies to increase the birth rate and restore vitality to Belpaese , Inps dictates "Any policy to revive the Italian birth rate or employment rates of women and men can correct demographic imbalances in the long term," he wrote in the annual report, but they can not on their own reduce the reduction of demographic clbades.

After all, this is not the first time Tito Boeri has repeated that "we need immigrants" to keep the pension system alive. Yet there are also experts who think the opposite saying that "we will pay them to migrants" (read here). Who knows what Matteo Salvini will think of the last issue of Inps

Boeri pizzica Salvini

In presenting the report, Tito Boeri did not fail to send messages – without ever mentioning it – to Matteo Salvini. In the last two days there have been sparks, with the words of the Minister of the Interior promising "changes" in "these public, parapublic and para-state apparatuses".

" Reduce immigration our country needs to increase the regular regime," said the president of the INPS, . According to Boeri there is " a strong demand for immigrant labor in Italy ", but it pours " on the illegal immigration of people who stay, by plane or by car , not with boats but with tourist visas, and stays in Italy with an expired visa ".Boeri then criticized" decrees quite unrealistic flows ", which with " strong restrictions on regular immigration "only increase" illegal immigration and vice versa: in general, compared with a 10% reduction in the amount of illegal immigration. regular immigration, the illegal increases between 3-5% . "

Not only For the president of Inps in Italy, no one seems to be worried about the demographic decline, so much so that the Belpais would have little demographic consciousness:" Italians – he said – underestimate the share of the population over 65 and overestimate that of immigrants and under-14s. "Boeri speaks of" real misinformation . "Then the words which seem directed to the right-wing parties, from Lega to FdI : " It is also possible – says Boeri – to worsen the demographic consciousness, for example in continually shaking the specter of invasions by sea as landings dwindle . "The Solution?" Everyone agrees that illegal immigration must be countered ", but that of the only one in the world. regular immigration must be increased

Fornero and quota 100 [19659005] The president of the INPS also expressed on the Fornero file and quota 100. Di Maio and Salvini have promised to intervene in both directions. But from the INPS comes a stop. " But we are so sure – said the president – that we would be satisfied with those who today ask for the repeal of the law Fornero We all know d & # 39; first that it is not possible to go back completely . "Boeri, however, leaves a void:" P we must, however, allow ourselves – he noted – a more great flexibility that allowed "by the reform of the teacher.And on the quota of 100 raised an alarm:" Quote 100 costs up to 20 billion a year – he explained – quota 100 with costs of 64 years minimum up to 18 billion per year which are reduced to 16 raising the requirement the age register at 65, the quota 100 with a minimum age of 64 years and the maintenance of the current legislation concerning seniority requirements for age-related contributions costs up to $ 8 billion [1945] 9007] ".

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