"They cost 7 million a day"


  Salvini does not rule out the Italian veto on sanctions against Russia:


Matteo Salvini

Convincing European partners through dialogue, but without excluding the exercise the right of veto, on the extension of sanctions to Russia – costing an average of 7 million euros per day to Italy "- reinforcement of mutual investments, promotion of cooperation in the fight against terrorism and illegal immigration, including with Moscow's participation in the North African missions.These are the central points of negotiations between the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, his counterpart Vladimir Kolokoltsev and the deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, today in Moscow

"We will convince Europe with figures and data"

At a press conference with the l & rsquo; Tbad agency, Salvini said that the l & # 3 9, Italy would be able to "convince" partners "with numbers", but "will not be afraid to say no, that others have not said" about the extension of sanctions to Moscow. "We do not start by vetoing, which may be the final solution," but the government does not rule out any instruments, the minister said. "We want to convince good manners, with the art of democracy, the number and the evidence – it has continued – we will do everything to not see us say no, which does not scare us anyway" Salvini continued. Italy's approach to Brussels should also apply to other issues, such as the European budget, agricultural policy and migrants

Against European punitive measures – launched in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea and for the role of Russia in the conflict in eastern Ukraine – Salvini said that it "does not can not wait to go back to trade, because the penalties have never been served ". Thus, from now until autumn, other high level missions are planned in Italy: Giuseppe Conte, President of the Council, will be in Russia on October 24, preceded by a visit to Foreign Affairs Enzo Moavero Milanesi, announced the Deputy Prime Minister, Meanwhile, "an economic file filled with names of Italian companies willing to invest in Russia and Russian companies willing to collaborate to the growth of the company". Italian economy "will be put in place. "

" In Moscow, Salvini is now at home "

" I hope that finally, after years of words, we will get to the facts ", he concluded. the most burning issue, the sanctions are however not at the center of discussions with Russian partners.In Moscow, Salvini is now at home and insisted that he is frequenting Russia not because someone one pays for it or because there is "funding", but because "the dialogue with this country is important." In this sense, his job as Minister of the Interior is to develop greater cooperation with the Federation in the fight against terrorism and the return to Italy, Europe and Russia fighters "seen – as he recalled – Among the so-called migrants, there are also reported many fighters Islamic. "

" We must have common dates to limit the risks, "he said, referring to the fight against illegal immigration." Their "support and support for our missions in North Africa, in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and on the southern front, on which this Italian government has finally given signs of existence in life and dignity ".

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