They refuse to clean the way: migrants expelled to Brescia


They claimed to do nothing and refused to help the City clean the way. Thus, yesterday, 22 asylum seekers had to pack their bags and leave the Trentapbadi Hostel from Zone in Brescia. "I am sorry on a human level because this provision may have the taste of a punishment, but you can not compromise on the side of authority – says Marco Zatti, Zone Mayor – will reach d & # 39; 39; others, refugees. I hope that the new group will establish a climate of mutual cooperation. "

Zatti, in exchange for hospitality, had asked only a small" collaboration "to clean the path erosion pyramids, an area that is part of, among others, the nature reserve of the Lombardy region. However, no one among the immigrants has agreed and the mayor has asked in writing to the prefect Annunziato Varde to intervene, removing some of the topics that the Trentapbadi hostel has conditioned to the group's choices with positions intransigent.

It occurred without tension: the refugees were informed the morning of the move, the afternoon they took their belongings and, on board a bus, they left the country. The 22 Africans will now be taken to another reception center, from where they will then be sorted in different directions.

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