Thirty years for Veronica Panarello: the Court confirms the sentence


Thirty years of imprisonment. The Assize Court of Catania upheld the first-degree conviction of Veronica Panarello for the murder and concealment of the corpse of 8-year-old son Loris, who was murdered with plastic strips on 29 November 2014 in their house in Santa Croce Camerina. The judges, accepting the prosecution's request, represented by the deputy Maria Aschettino and the prosecutor Marco Rota, confirmed the sentence that Ragusa's gup, Andrea Reale, issued with an abbreviated rite in October 2016. [19659002] woman, after reading the verdict, was out of her mind. "It's your fault, I'm killing you with my hands." "Are you happy now?" He shouted as he turned to his father-in-law, Andrea Stival, who always indicated that he was responsible for the death of the child. The grandfather would have killed him because the child had discovered their alleged relationship.

The woman was escorted out of the courtroom by force by the prison police who immediately arrested her. "From what we could understand – said the lawyer of Veronica Panarello, the lawyer Francesco Villardita speak of the shouts launched by his badistant – Veronica had him with his stepfather, who believes responsible for the murder of his son, this sentence: "From now on there will be no more discounts for anyone, since I have not had justice, justice will do it alone and when I will leave prison I will kill him. "" These are sentences – said the criminal lawyer – that in a moment of desperation there may be even if they can not be justified. We must understand his state of mind. "

" I do not forgive those who killed my nephew "he was limited to saying Loris' grandfather." I do not know why Veronica responded to these accusations – said the man – and why in recent years he has pointed at me. "" The confirmation of Veronica's conviction will not make me my son, but Loris must have a minimum of justice, and my son is always in my heart, "added his father Davide Stival." I have resumed relations with my father – he added – Veronica's reaction in the room. audience, it's yet another show in front of reporters and cameras. "

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